Conservation Status:
Remarks:This name is accepted
Camellia dalatensis V.D.Luong, Ninh & Hakoda Int. Camellia J. 44: 161 (2012) Accepted Name
大叻山茶 国际山茶会志,44: 161 (2012) Chinese Name
» Description
Camellia dalatensis
V. D. Luong, Ninh & Hakoda. Section: Piquetia, International Camellia Journal 44: 161 (2012), Type: Vietnam. Lam Dong Province: Da Lat
Plateau,evergreen forest, at altitudes of 1300 m,08/03/2012, Ninh &
Dung,120301 (Holotype,Isotype, HNU)
Small tree, 4 m high, young branches and
young leaves violet, pubescent. Leaves stalked; blade thick and coriaceous,
oblong, 40-45cm. long and 8-11 cm. wide, acuminate apex, cordate at the base, deep
green and shining, glabrous above, light green, pubescent below, lateral veins
21-24 pairs, sunken above, protruding below, margins serrulate; petioles
0.7-1.2 cm. long, pubescent. Flowers light yellow, 4.0-4.5 cm. in diameter, 1-3
in each group in axillary, pedicels 10-15 mm long, bearing two tiny bracteoles,
pubescent. Sepals 5, scale shape to nearly rounded, pubescent on both sides.
Petals 8-10, nearly rounded, 1.8-2.2 cm. high, 2.1-2.4 cm. wide, pubescent on
both sides. Androecium over 300 stamens, light yellow, 1.4-1.7 cm. long, pubescent
at the base, outer filaments united from the base and forms a short cup, united
with petals 3-4 mm. at the base. Gynoecium pubescent, ovaries 4-5 loculi,
styles 4-5, 1.4 cm.long, free to the base, pubescent. Fruits flated globose,
4.5-5.5 cm. in diameter, 2.5-2.8 cm. high, 4-5 locules, 1-2 seeds each loculus.
Seeds semiglobose, 1.0-1.4 cm. high, 1.6 -1.8 cm. wide, glabrous. This species
resembles Camellia vidalii Rosmann but differs in having young branches
densely hairy, densely hairy leaves below, flowers slightly yellow.
» Distribution
Vietnam. Lam Dong Province: Da Lat Plateau,evergreen forest, at altitudes of 1300 m
» Description
大叻山茶 Camellia dalatensis V. D. Luong, Ninh & Hakoda 组:匹克茶组Piquetia。《国际山茶会志》44: 161 (2012)越南林同省大叻台地,常绿林,海拔1300米;08/03/2012, Ninh & Dung, 120301 (主模式, 等模式, HNU)
小乔木,高4米,幼枝和嫩叶紫罗兰色,被短柔毛。叶有柄;叶片厚而具革质,长圆形,长40-45厘米,宽8-11厘米,先端渐尖,基部心形,深绿色,有光泽,上面无毛,下面淡绿色,被短柔毛,侧脉21-24对,上面凹陷,下面突出,边缘有细锯齿;叶柄长0.7-1.2厘米,被短柔毛。花淡黄色,直径4.0-4.5厘米,每组1-3朵,腋生,花梗长10-15毫米,有两个小苞片,被短柔毛。萼片 5,鳞片状至近圆形,两面被短柔毛。花瓣 8-10 枚,近圆形,高 1.8-2.2 厘米,宽 2.1-2.4 厘米,两面被短柔毛。雄蕊群超过 300 个,淡黄色,长 1.4-1.7 厘米,基部被短柔毛,外花丝从基部合生,形成一个短杯状,基部与花瓣合生 3-4 毫米。雌蕊群被短柔毛,子房4-5室,花柱4-5,长1.4厘米,离生至基部,被短柔毛。果实扇形球状,直径4.5-5.5厘米,高2.5-2.8厘米,4-5室,每室1-2粒种子。种子半球形,高1.0-1.4厘米,宽1.6-1.8厘米,无毛。本种类似 Rosmann 的 Camellia vidalii,但不同之处在于幼枝有密毛,叶片下面有密毛,花稍黄。
» Distribution
Species in the Same Section: 匹克茶 Camellia piquetiana (Pierre) Sealy、维达尔茶 Camellia vidalii Rosmann、龙氏山茶 Camellia longii Orel & Luu、松泰山茶 Camellia sonthaiensis Luu, V.D.Luong, Q.D.Nguyen & T.Q.T.Nguyen、五边形山茶 Camellia pentagonalema Orel & Curry、郎边山茶 Camellia langbianensis (Gagnep.) P.H.Hô、普罗山茶 Camellia proensis V.D.Luong, Dudkin & V.H.Quach、吉仙山茶 Camellia cattienensis Orel、越南中部山茶 Camellia annamensis N.S.Lý, V.D.Luong, N.D.Do, T.H.Lê & Thi L.Nguyen、钟花山茶 Camellia campanulata Orel, Curry & Luu、同奈山茶 Camellia dongnaiensis Orel、文协山茶 Camellia hiepii V.S.Dang, Vuong, V.C.Nguyen & V.D.Luong、汉巴山茶 Camellia honbaensis Luu, Q.D.Nguyen & G.Tran、芳芝山茶 Camellia phuongchiana Curry, V.H.Quach, T.T.Hoang & Q.C.Truong、斯范山茶 Camellia sphamii Q.C.Truong & V.S.Le、超美山茶 Camellia decora Orel, Curry & Luu