» Description
Camellia decora Orel, Curry & Luu in Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 173-179 (2015).
TYPE: Vietnam. Ninh Thuan Province, 23 March 2009, Luu Hong Truong and staff of the Centre for Biodiversity and Development, Luu VNM00012381 (holotype: NSW; isotypes, SGN).
C. decora Orel, Curry & Luu possesses large, elliptic to oval leaves with acute apices; leaf base rounded to shallowly cordate; flowers terminal and axillary, single, geminate, or in threes, rather hard and brittle, light yellow, with randomly distributed orange areas, pink towards the petal margins; bracts 2-3; 3 persistent sepals; petals 8-9 (-10), unevenly arranged in a tight spiral; outer filaments proximally fused to each other and to the petals; inner filaments free to the base, with falcate and pronouncedly bulbous bases; styles 3-4, hairy, free to the base, conical; ovary densely tomentose.
Etymology. The specific epithet of the new species refers to the outstanding
aesthetic qualities of the new find.
» Distribution
Vietnam. Ninh Thuan Province
» Description
超美山茶C. decora Orel, Curry & Luu 的叶片较大,椭圆形到卵圆形,叶尖锐尖;叶基部圆形到浅心形;花顶生和腋生,单生,三出或三出,质硬而脆,淡黄色,有随机分布的橙色区域,花瓣边缘呈粉红色; 苞片2-3;3枚宿存萼片;花瓣8-9(-10),不均匀地排列成紧密的螺旋状;外花丝下部相互愈合,并与花瓣愈合;内花丝离生至基部,基部镰刀形,明显球状;花柱3-4,有毛,离生至基部,圆锥形;子房密被绒毛。
» Distribution
Species in the Same Section: 匹克茶 Camellia piquetiana (Pierre) Sealy、维达尔茶 Camellia vidalii Rosmann、大叻山茶 Camellia dalatensis V. D. Luong, Ninh & Hakoda、龙氏山茶 Camellia longii Orel & Luu、松泰山茶 Camellia sonthaiensis Luu, V.D.Luong, Q.D.Nguyen & T.Q.T.Nguyen、五边形山茶 Camellia pentagonalema Orel & Curry、郎边山茶 Camellia langbianensis (Gagnep.) P.H.Hô、普罗山茶 Camellia proensis V.D.Luong, Dudkin & V.H.Quach、吉仙山茶 Camellia cattienensis Orel、越南中部山茶 Camellia annamensis N.S.Lý, V.D.Luong, N.D.Do, T.H.Lê & Thi L.Nguyen、钟花山茶 Camellia campanulata Orel, Curry & Luu、同奈山茶 Camellia dongnaiensis Orel、文协山茶 Camellia hiepii V.S.Dang, Vuong, V.C.Nguyen & V.D.Luong、汉巴山茶 Camellia honbaensis Luu, Q.D.Nguyen & G.Tran、芳芝山茶 Camellia phuongchiana Curry, V.H.Quach, T.T.Hoang & Q.C.Truong、斯范山茶 Camellia sphamii Q.C.Truong & V.S.Le