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淡黄金花茶 Camellia flavida

Last Updated:2025/2/22 10:43:07 By:wangzhonglang


Conservation Status

Remarks:This name is accepted


» Description

Camellia flavida, Subgenus Thea, Sect. Chrysantha, Ser. Chrysanthae Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 1979(3): 71. 1979. Chang Hung-ta and Bruce Bartholomew (1984). Camellias, p.129: Camellia flavida Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr. ser. 1: 103. 1981. [Description] Shrub 3 m tall, branchlets glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic or oblong, 8-10. 5 cmlong, 3-4. 5 cm wide, apices acuminate or abruptly acute to pointed obtuse, basesbroadly cuneate; greyish-brown above in the dry state, not shiny, glabrous; light brownbelow, glabrous; lateral veins 6-7 pairs, slightly sunken above, protruding below; reticulating veins conspicuous below, margins serrulate; petioles 6-8 mm long, glabrous. Flowers terminal, pedicels 1-2 cm long; bracts 4-5, semiorbicular, 1.5-2. 5 mmlong, glabrous; sepals 5, suborbicular, 6-8 mm long, glabrous or slightly pubescent onthe upper regions of the back, free; petals 8, obovoid, light yellow, ca. 1 cm long, glabrous; stamens free, glabrous; ovaries glabrous; styles 3-parted, completely free, glabrous. Capsules globose, 1.7 cm in diameteri-locular, 1 seeded, 2-valvated ehiscent, valves 1-1. 5 mm thick; seeds globose, 1.3 cm in diameter, brown; bracts and sepals persistent.

Gao Jiyin, Clifford R. Parks, Du Yueqiang, 2005, Collected Species of the Genus Camellia an Illustrated Outline,p.99. Flowers are pale-yellow, 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, borne at the tips of shoots and in leaf axils. Pedicels 1-2 mm long. Bracts 4-5. Sepals 4-6, glabrous. Petals 8, about 1 cm long, obovate. Androecium glabrous, free at the base, stamens numerous. Gynoecium glabrous, 3 styles, free, not fused at the base. Blooming season: spring. Capsules globose, 1.7-2.0 cm in diameter, 3 locules, pericarp wall 1-1.5 mm thick. Leaves elliptic to oblong, tip acuminate, base broadly cuneate,6.0-10.0 cm long, 2.1-4.5 cm wide, margin thinly serrulate, upper surface with lateral veins impressed, lower surface glabrous. Petioles 6-8 mm long, glabrous.Shrub up to 3 m in height, young shoots glabrous, older branches smooth, yellow-brown in color. Distribution: Evergreen forests on limestone hills in Longzhou, Wuming and Daxin Counties in southern Guangxi, China; Elevation: 120-250 m; Specific localities: Paizong Township, Longzhou County or Weixin Township, Daxin County, Guangxi, China.

» Distribution

Evergreen forests on limestone hills in Longzhou, Wuming and Daxin Counties in southern Guangxi, China; Elevation: 120-250 m; Specific localities: Paizong Township, Longzhou County or Weixin Township, Daxin County, Guangxi, China.

» Description

淡黄金花茶Camellia flavida Chang, sp. nov. 张宏达,1981. 《山茶属植物的系统研究》第103页。【标本】广西:龙津,牌宗乡,山谷密林,花浅黄色,1957821日,陈少卿13736 (模式标本Typusin Bot. Inst. Austro-Sin.)无地点,张宗享、王善龄4095【形态特征】灌木,高3米,嫩枝无毛。叶革质,椭圆形或长圆形,长8-10.5厘米,宽3-4.5厘米,先端渐尖或急短尖而尖头钝,基部阔楔形,上面干后灰褐色,无光泽,无毛,下面浅褐色,无毛,侧脉6-7对,在上面略下陷,在下面突起,网脉在下面明显,边缘有细锯齿,叶柄长6-8毫米,无毛。花顶生,花梗长1-2毫米;苞片4-5片,半圆形,长1.5-2.5毫米,无毛;萼片5片,近圆形,长6-8毫米,无毛或在背面上部略有毛,离生。花瓣8片,倒卵圆形,浅黄色,长约1厘米,无毛。雄蕊离生,无毛。子房无毛,花柱3条,完全分离,无毛。蒴果球形,直径1.7厘米,1室,有种子1粒,果壳2爿裂开,厚1-1.5毫米;种子圆球形,宽1.3厘米,褐色;有宿存苞片及萼片。

高继银、帕克斯、杜跃强,2005. 《山茶属植物主要原种彩色图集》浙江科学技术出版社,第99页。花淡黄色,花径1.5~2.5厘米,顶生或腋生。花柄长1~2毫米。苞片4~5枚,萼片4~6枚,无毛。花瓣8枚,长约1厘米,倒卵形。雄蕊无毛,数量多于雌蕊,基部离生。雌蕊无毛,花柱3条,基部离生。花期春季。蒴果球形,直径1.7~2.0厘米,3室,果皮厚1.0~1.5毫米。叶椭圆形至长圆形,先端渐尖,基部阔楔形,长6.0~10.0厘米,宽2.1~4.5厘米,边缘具细齿,叶面侧脉略凹陷,叶背无毛。叶柄长6~8毫米,无毛。灌木,高可达3米,嫩技无毛,老枝黄褐色,光滑。分布:广西壮族g治区南部的龙州县、武鸣县、大新县一 带(通常生长在石灰岩山坡的常绿林下),海拔120-250米。 可寻地点:广西壮族自治区龙州县牌宗乡或大新县维新乡。

» Distribution
