Conservation Status:
Remarks:This name is accepted
Camellia gauchowensis Hung T.Chang Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 1961(4): 58 (1961) Accepted Name
高州油茶 张宏达. 1981. 山茶属植物的系统研究.中山大学学报(自然科学)论丛(1):21 Chinese Name
» Description
Camellia gauchowensis, Subgenus Camellia, Sect. oleifera, Chang Hung-ta and Bruce Bartholomew (1984). Camellias, p.38: Camellia gauchowensis Chang, Bull. Sun Yatsen Univ. Nat. Sci. 1961(4):58. 1961. [Description] Branchlets glabrous. Leaves elliptic, 8 cm long, 4. 5 cm wide, glabrous. Flowers white, 6-7. 5 cm in diameter; bracts and sepals 10-12, petals 7-8, stamens free, ovaries 3-5-locular; styles 5-parted, free. Capsules pyriform, 7 cm long 5-6 cm wide, seeds 1-4 perlocule, valves 8 mm thick. This species is differentiated from C. oleifera by having glabrous branchlets, more perules, larger flowers and capsules, pear shaped capsules, and a thicker pericarp. [Distribution] western Guangdong wild and cultivated.
Gao Jiyin, Clifford R. Parks, Du Yueqiang, 2005, Collected Species of the Genus Camellia an Illustrated Outline,p.169. Flowers are white, slightly fragrant, 6.0-7.5 cm in diameter, produced at Camellia gauchowensis Chang (1961)the tips of shoots and in leaf axils. Perules 10-12, deciduous at flowering. Petals 7-8,3.0-3.8 cm long, 1.5-2.6 cm wide, obovate, cleft at the tip, nearly free at the base with little or no fusion to the staminal column. Androecium glabrous, 1.0-1.2 cm in length. Gynoecium about 10 mm long, 3-5 glabrous styles, free at the base, ovary tomentose. Blooming season: autumn to early winter. Capsules globose to pyriform in shape, 4.0-7.0 cm in diameter, 3-5 locules, pericarp wall 6-8 mm thick. Seed oil content ranges from 22.7%-31.5%.Leaves elliptic to mostly obovate in shape, tip of blade acute to obtuse or short acuminate, base cuneate, 6.8-9.0 cm long, 2.9-5.0 cm wide, margins serrulate with teeth spaced l-2mm apart, upper surface smooth, midrib densely puberulent, lower surface midrib villous, with the midrib raised. Petioles 5-10 mm long, upper side puberulent, lower side loosely villous. Shrub or small tree up to 5 m tall, young shoots moderately villous, becoming glabrescent, twigs brown, older branches smooth and gray-brown in color. Distribution: Thearea from Gaozhou to Maoming in southwestern Guangdong Province; Elevation: 100-500 m; Spe-cific locality: Tuanjie Farm, Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province, China.
» Distribution
» Description
高州油茶Camellia gauchowensis Chang in Zhongshan Dexue Xuebao (Bull. Sun Yatsen Univ. Nat. Sci.) 1961, no. 4, 58. 张宏达,1981. 《山茶属植物的系统研究》第23页。【标本】广东 Kwangtung:高州,张宏达 H.T.Chang 5001,5002 (模式)。分布:广东西部,野生及栽培。【形态特征】嫩枝无毛,叶椭圆形8X4.5厘米,无毛。花白,直径6-7.5厘米,苞及萼片10-12,花瓣7-8,雄蕊离生,子房3-5室,花柱5条,离生,蒴果梨形,长7厘米,宽5-6厘米,每室1-4籽,果爿厚8毫米。这个种和普通的油茶C.oleifera Abel的区别在于嫩枝秃净无毛,苞被片较多,花较大,蒴果较大,梨形,果皮亦较厚。
高继银、帕克斯、杜跃强,2005. 《山茶属植物主要原种彩色图集》浙江科学技术出版社,第169页。花白色,略芳香,直径6.0~7.5厘米,顶生或腋生。鳞片10~12枚,随花朵开放而脱落。花瓣7~8枚,长3.0~3.8厘米,宽1.5~2.6厘米,倒卵形,先端有裂□,基部与雄蕊柱近离生。雄蕊无毛,长1.0~1.2厘米。雌蕊长约10毫米,花柱3~5个,无毛,基部离生,子房被绒毛。花期秋季至冬初。蒴果球形至梨形,直径4.0~7.0厘米,3~5室,果皮厚6.0~ 8.0毫米。种子含油量为22.7%~31.5%。叶椭圆形至倒卵圆形,先端急尖或钝短尖,基部楔形,长6.8~9.0厘米,宽2.9~5.0厘米,边缘具叶齿,齿距1~2毫米,叶面光滑,中脉密被微柔毛,叶背中脉突起,被长柔毛。叶柄长5~10毫米,上部有微毛,下部被稀疏长柔毛。灌木或小乔木,高可达5米,幼枝被稀疏长柔毛,而后变秃净,枝条褐色,老枝灰褐色。分布:广东省西南部的高州至茂名一带,海拔100-500米。可寻 地点:广东省高州市团结农场。
» Distribution
Species in the Same Section: 油茶 Camellia oleifera C.Abel、茶梅 Camellia sasanqua Thunb.、越南油茶 Camellia vietnamensis T. C. Huang ex Hu、攸县油茶 Camellia yuhsienensis Hu