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Home/ Species/ Camellia hakodae

箱田金花茶 Camellia hakodae Ninh, Tr.

Last Updated:2025/2/21 19:33:37 By:wangzhonglang

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Conservation Status

Remarks:This name is accepted


Camellia hakodae Ninh   Scientific Journal of Hanoi National University (VNU Journal of Science) 2007 Accepted Name

Camellia hakodae  桐野秋豊 (2013). いのくち椿館‐原種ツバキ図鑑. p.90 Cited Name

Camellia hakodae Ninh  Gen. Camellia Polyspora Vietnam: 37 (2023). Cited Name

Camellia hakodae Ninh, Tr.  Kakuta Y. (2023). Botanical Art-Genus Camellia & Polyspora of Vietnam. Text p.37, Illustration p.10. Japan Gardening Society. Cited Name


» Description

Camellia hakodae Ninh, Tr. Gen. Camellia Polyspora Vietnam: 37 (2023).

The specimen was first discovered by Tran Ninh in 2002 in My Yen (Thai Nguyen). In 2007, Tran Ninh published in the Scientific Journal of Hanoi National University (VNU Journal of Science) with the scientific name Camellia hakodae Ninh, Tr. The species name is named after Japanese scientist Naotoshi Hakoda, who has made many contributions to the research and conservation of indigenous tea in Vietnam.

Shrub or small tree, about 3-4 m high; young branches light brown, glabrous. Leaves stalked; petioles 8-15 mm, glabrous; blades thickly coriaceous, glabrous, elliptic or oblong, 23.5-29 cm long, 9-11.5cm wide; base cuneate or rounded; apex acuminate; margins serrulate; lateral veins 12-16 pairs. Flowers yellow, 6-8 cm in diameter, terminal or axillary; pedicels 1-1.2 cm long; bracteoles 5-6; sepals 5, broadly lunate or suborbicular, inner surface pubescent; petals 16-17, suborbicular to elliptic, pubescent inside; androecium 4-4.5 cm long, pubescent; gynoecium glabrous, ovary 4-5, styles 4-5, free to the base, glabrous. Fruits globose, 5-6 cm in diameter; pericarp 4.5-6.5 mm thick. Seeds glabrous.

Blooming season: Late winter to early spring.

Distribution: Except Tam Dao Mountains, this species has been cultivated as medicinal plants from North to South Vietnam. Endemic species to Vietnam.

» Distribution

Vietnam:My Yen (Thai Nguyen)


» Description

箱田金花茶 Camellia hakodae Ninh.

该标本由 Tran Ninh 于 2002 年在越南美延(太原)首次发现。2007 年,Tran Ninh 在《河内国立大学科学》(VNU Journal of Science)上发表了该物种的学名 Camellia hakodae Ninh. Tr。 该物种名称是以日本科学家箱田直纪的名字命名,他为越南本土茶叶的研究和保护做出了许多贡献。


» Distribution

