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Home/ Species/ Camellia hoabinhensis

和平山茶 Camellia hoabinhensis V.D.Luong, Ninh & V.T.Pham

Last Updated:2025/2/22 11:25:00 By:wangzhonglang

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Remarks:This name is accepted


Camellia hoabinhensis V.D.Luong, Ninh & V.T.Pham  Dalat Univ. J. Sci. 14(1): 23 (2024 publ. 2023) Accepted Name [PDF]


» Description

Camellia hoabinhensis V.D.Luong, Ninh & V.T.Pham. First published in Dalat Univ. J. Sci. 14(1): 23 (2024 publ. 2023).

The specimen was first discovered by Tran Ninh, Bui Phi Diep in 2019 in Yen Thuy district, Hoa Binh province. In 2023, authors Quach Van Hoi, Tran Ninh, Luong Van Dung, Hoang Thanh Truong, Shuichiro Tagane and Pham Van They published in the Dalat University Journal of Science with the scientific name Camellia hoabinhensis, the Vietnamese name is Hoa Binh Camellia named after the provincial place where the specimen was first discovered.

Small tree, 4.5 m tall, 6.5 cm DBH, bark brownish gray. Young twigs brown, glabrous. Leaves alternate, petiole 1.01.2 cm long, glabrous, blade elliptic to broadly elliptic, 19.523.0 × 10.010.5 cm, thickly coriaceous, glabrous on both surfaces, adaxial surfaces dark green, glossy, abaxial surfaces light green, apices shortly acuminate, margins serrulate, bases broadly cuneate or rounded, midribs sunken adaxially, prominent abaxially, lateral veins 812 pairs, sunken adaxially, prominent abaxially, tertiary veins scalariform-reticulate, prominent abaxially. Flowers light yellow, 9.09.5 cm in diam., terminal, pedicels 1.01.2 cm long, glabrous, bracteoles 24, scale-like, narrowly semi orbicular, 1.01.3 × 3.03.5 mm, pubescent on both surfaces. Sepals 45, semi-orbicular, adaxial sides slightly concave, dark yellow, 1.12.0 × 0.51.6 cm, persistent, pubescent on both surfaces, apices rounded. Petals 1819 in 3 whorled, light yellow, pubescent on both surfaces, recurved in anthesis, petals in the outer whorls 4, elliptic, 1.63.5 × 2.3 3.0 cm, those of the middle whorls 89, broadly elliptic, 4.05.8 × 2.73.5 cm, those of the inner whorls 57, narrowly elliptic, 4.55.2 × 2.02.7 cm. Androecium adnate with petals, stamens numerous in 45 whorled, 3.54.3 cm long, light yellow, connate 11.4 cm from the base, inner filaments glabrous, outer filaments pubescent, anthers dark yellow, oblong, approximately 2.5 × 1.5 mm. Gynoecium 3 (4) carpels, ovaries conical, 3.0 × 4.0 mm, tomentose, styles 3(4), 3.53.8 cm long, free to the base, sparsely pubescent at base, stigma heads approximately 0.4 mm wide. Fruit and seeds not seen.

Distribution, habitat, and ecology: Vietnam, Hoa Binh Province. This species is currently known only from the type locality. Camellia hoabinhensis grows in evergreen forests on limestone hills at elevations of approximately 500 m. It flowers from November to January of the following year.

Typus: Vietnam. Hoa Binh Province, Yen Thuy District, Da Phuc Commune, evergreen forest on limestone hills, 20°2754.3N 105°3333.2E, 500 m elevation, 22 November 2019, Ninh & Diep 191101 (holotype HNU!).

Etymology: The species epithet refers to Hoa Binh Province, the province where the new species was collected.

» Distribution

VIETNAM: Hoa Binh province


» Description

和平山茶 Camellia hoabinhensis V.D.Luong, Ninh & V.T.Pham in Dalat Univ. J. Sci. 14(1): 23 (2024 publ. 2023)。

该标本由 Tran Ninh、Bui Phi Diep 于 2019 年在和平省 Yen Thuy 县首次发现。2023 年,作者 Quach Van Hoi、Tran Ninh、Luong Van Dung、Hoang Thanh Truong、Shuichiro Tagane 和 Pham Van They 在《大叻大学科学杂志》(Dalat University Journal of Science)上发表了学名为 Camellia hoabinhensis 的论文,越南语名称为 Hoa Binh Camellia,以首次发现该标本的省名命名。

» Distribution

