Conservation Status:Critically Endangered
Remarks:This name is accepted
Dankia langbianensis Gagnep. Notul. Syst. (Paris) 8: 131 (1939) Homotypic Synonym
Camellia langbianensis (Gagnep.) P.H.Hô Câycỏ Việtnam 1(1): 537 (1991) Accepted Name
Camellia dongnaiensis Orel Novon 16: 244 (2006) Heterotypic Synonym [PDF]
Camellia oconoriana Orel, Curry & Luu Edinburgh J. Bot. 70: 440 (2013) Heterotypic Synonym [PDF]
Camellia tadungensis Orel, Curry & Luu Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 256 (2015) Heterotypic Synonym
5 show +
» Description
Camellia langbianensis (Gagnep.) P.H.Hô Câycỏ Việtnam 1(1): 537 (1991)
Types: VIETNAM. Lam Dong province: between B.-dle and Dankia commune,
Langbian mountain, 1200–1300 m, 26 October 1930, Poilane 18648 (lectotype
designated by Zhao et al. (2017: 173): P [P00754831]; isolectopypes: K
[K000704329], L [L0012339], P [P00754832]). the image of the lectotype is
available at
Description:Small evergreen tree, 3–5 m tall; branches pubescent when young and
then glabrescent. Leaves alternate; petiole falcate, slightly curved, terete,
7–10 mm long, sparsely pubescent when young and then glabrescent; blades
oblong, 20–32 cm long, 5–8 cm wide, coriaceous, apex acuminate, margin shallow
serrate, base broadly cuneate or obtuse, above dark green, shiny and glabrous,
below paler green, sparsely pubescent, lateral veins 15–20 pairs, impressed
above, prominent below. Flowers solitary or 2–3 clustered, axillary, nodding,
5–6 cm diameter; pedicel 3.0–4.5 cm long, sparsely pubescent, light green;
bracteoles 2(–3), scale-like, 2.0–2.5 mm long, 2.5–3.0 mm wide, light green,
pubescent on both surfaces, persistent. Sepals 5(–6), orbicular or
suborbicular, 5.0–9.0 mm long, 6.5–13 cm wide, light green, pubescent on both
surfaces, margin membranous and ciliate, persistent. Petals 10–11(–12), suborbicular
to pentagonal, light yellow, pink pigmentation on edges, 1.4–3.4 cm long,
1.9–3.5 cm wide, tomentose on the both surfaces, innermost ones united 2.0–3.0
mm at base. Stamens 220–250 in 3–4 series; filaments 1.8–2.7 mm long, yellow,
inner ones pubescent at base, outer ones glabrous, united for 3–4 mm from base
and adnate to innermost petals for 2.0–3.0 mm at base; anthers 2.0–2.5 mm long,
1.5–2.0 mm wide, light yellow. Gynoecium 5-locular, ovary superior, oblate
spherical, ribbed, 3.0–3.5 mm long, 4.0–5.0 mm wide, tomentose; style 5, free,
2.0–2.4 cm long, tomentose. Capsule corky, 1.8–2.1 cm high, 4.5–5.5 cm wide,
sparse pubescent, dehiscing distally into 5 valves, pericarp 1.5–2.0 mm thin,
1–2 seed per locule; columella stout, 1.1–1.3 cm long. Seed semispherical,
1.5–1.8 cm long, 1.0–1.2 cm wide, russety, glabrous.
and habitat: Camellia langbianensis is
endemic to Vietnam, occurring in provinces of Lam Dong and Ning Thuan. It grows
in evergreen broad-leaved forest at 1100–1300 m altitude.
status: The species is found in three locations
(two in Lam Dong and one in Ninh Thuan) and has an extent of occurrence of less
than 100 km2. It is known that the mountain Langbian has suffered from habitat
loss, degradation and fragmentation in places. The main reason is due to
tourism activities and deforestation for agricultural production. It was
estimated that fewer than 200 individuals are in three populations. Therefore,
it would be assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) according to IUCN categories
and criteria (IUCN 2019).
affinities: According to the classification of Ming
& Bartholomew (2007), C. langbianensis may be placed into section Piquetia
(Pierre 1887: 119) Sealy (1958: 108) in the charecters of its leaves
stalked, blades oblong, more than 20 cm long, flowers pedicellate, solitary or
2–3, in axillary or terminal, persistent bracteoles 2–3, persistent sepals 5,
petals 5(–6), styles 3–5, capsule flattened, globose, with 5 indehiscent
secondary ridges, 1–2 ovules per locule.
» Distribution
Vietnam: Lam Dong and Ning Thuan
» Description
郎边山茶Camellia langbianensis
(Gagnep.) P.H.Hô, Cayco Vietnam (Illustrated
Flora of Vietnam) 1(1): 537 (1991) ≡ Dankia langbianensis Gagnepain Flora
Indo-Chine [P.H. Lecomte et al.] Supplement: 198 (1939) 组:匹克茶组Piquetia。再次发现Phytotaxa
480 (1): 85 (2021)越南林同省B.-dle 和
Dankia 公社之间郎边山1200-1300米,
26/10/1930,Poilane 18648 ( 后选模式Zhao et al. (2017:
173):P [P00754831]; 等后选模式: K [K000704329], L
[L0012339], P [P00754832])
分布和栖息地: 郎边山茶(Camellia langbianensis)是越南特有的植物,分布于林同(Lam Dong)省和宁顺(Ning Thuan)省。它生长在海拔 1100-1300 米的常绿阔叶林中。
保护状况: 该物种分布在三个地方(两个在林同省,一个在宁顺省),分布范围不到 100 平方公里。据了解,其栖息地有的地方已经消失,有的地方退化,有的地方支离破碎。主要原因是旅游活动和为农业生产而砍伐森林。据估计,三个种群的数量不足 200 株。因此,根据世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)的分类和标准(IUCN 2019),该物种将被评估为极度濒危物种(CR)。
分类亲缘关系: 根据 Ming & Bartholomew(2007 年)的分类,C. langbianensis可归入Piquetia组(Pierre 1887: 119),Sealy(1958: 108),叶片长圆形,超过20厘米长,花有花梗,单生或2-3朵,腋生或顶生,宿存小苞片2-3枚,宿存萼片5枚,花瓣5(-6)枚,花柱3-5枚,蒴果扁平,球形,有5条不裂的次棱,每室1-2颗胚珠。
» Distribution
越南特有的植物,分布于林同(Lam Dong)省和宁顺(Ning Thuan)省
Species in the Same Section: 匹克茶 Camellia piquetiana (Pierre) Sealy、维达尔茶 Camellia vidalii Rosmann、大叻山茶 Camellia dalatensis V. D. Luong, Ninh & Hakoda、龙氏山茶 Camellia longii Orel & Luu、松泰山茶 Camellia sonthaiensis Luu, V.D.Luong, Q.D.Nguyen & T.Q.T.Nguyen、五边形山茶 Camellia pentagonalema Orel & Curry、普罗山茶 Camellia proensis V.D.Luong, Dudkin & V.H.Quach、吉仙山茶 Camellia cattienensis Orel、越南中部山茶 Camellia annamensis N.S.Lý, V.D.Luong, N.D.Do, T.H.Lê & Thi L.Nguyen、钟花山茶 Camellia campanulata Orel, Curry & Luu、同奈山茶 Camellia dongnaiensis Orel、文协山茶 Camellia hiepii V.S.Dang, Vuong, V.C.Nguyen & V.D.Luong、汉巴山茶 Camellia honbaensis Luu, Q.D.Nguyen & G.Tran、芳芝山茶 Camellia phuongchiana Curry, V.H.Quach, T.T.Hoang & Q.C.Truong、斯范山茶 Camellia sphamii Q.C.Truong & V.S.Le、超美山茶 Camellia decora Orel, Curry & Luu