International Camellia Register
Home/ Species/ Camellia lucii

白抱茎山茶 Camellia lucii Orel & Curry

Last Updated:2025/2/22 9:43:54 By:wangzhonglang

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Conservation Status

Remarks:This name is accepted


Camellia lucii Orel & Curry  Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 220 (2015) Accepted Name


» Description

Camellia lucii Orel & Curry in Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 220 (2015). TYPE: Vietnam. Municipality of Hanoi; collected from private collection in Hanoi, 3 April 2001 by G. Orel, A. S. Curry, A.Luc, G. Richards, Orel & Curry 010403 (holotype, NSW). Flower: purely white, terminal and axillary flowers; pedicel stout, falcate; sepals 3, tightly adpressed, glabrous, overlapping; petals 12-13, in 4 whorls (3+2+4+(3-) 4), glabrous, partially or not reflexed; outer filaments basally joined, 4.0-5.0 cm long; styles 3, free, glabrous, 2.5 cm long, with 2.0 mm long basal thickening; ovary 3-locular, glabrous, bell shaped; mature seed capsules 3-lobate and glabrous. Etymology: The specific epithet honours Mr. Andre Luc, a Camellia enthusiast and collector prominent in the acquisition of this new species. 

C. lucii is strongly resembles C. amplexicaulis, but has white flowers. It can also be distinguished from C. amplexicaulis by the shape of the flowers, styles, and fruit, as well as by the surface of mature leaves.

Originally native to Vietnam, the species is not known to exist in the wild.

» Distribution

Vietnam: Hanoi


» Description

白抱茎山茶 Camellia lucii Orel & Curry in Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 220 (2015).

纯白色,顶生和腋生花;花梗粗壮,镰刀形;萼片3,紧贴,无毛,重叠;花瓣12-13,4轮(3+2+4+(3-) 4),无毛,部分或不反折;外花丝基部连接,长4. 0-5.0厘米长;花柱3,离生,无毛,长2.5厘米,基部加厚长2.0毫米;子房3室,无毛,钟形;成熟种蒴果3裂,无毛。

白抱茎山茶(C. lucii )与越南抱茎山茶( C. amplexicaulis) 非常相似,但花是白色的。从花、花柱和果实的形状以及成熟叶片的表面也可以将其与 越南抱茎山茶区分开来。


» Distribution
