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Home/ Species/ Camellia mairei var. velutina

滇南毛蕊山茶 Camellia mairei var. velutina Sealy

Last Updated:2025/2/22 19:13:09 By:wangzhonglang


Conservation Status

Remarks:This name is accepted


Camellia mairei var. velutina Sealy  Rev. Gen. Camellia: 174 (1958) Accepted Infraspecific Name

滇南毛蕊山茶  Wu, Z., Raven, P.H. & Hong, D. (eds.) (2007). Flora of China 12: 1-534. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis). Chinese Name


» Description

Camellia mairei var. velutina Sealy, Rev. Gen. Camellia: 174 (1958)

  A shrub 3 metres high fide A. Henry; twigs stout, greyish-brown, glabrous. Leaves stalked; blades (9• 5)—10—12 cm. long and (2-6)-3-2-4 cm. wide, glabrous; petioles 10—13—(15) mm. long, glabrous. Perules persistent at anthesis and forming a prominent velutinous cup about 2 -2-2 -6 cm. high. Corolla 4-5.5 cm. long, of 5-6 petals adnate to the androecium for up to 1-5 cm. from the base. Androecium 3.5-3.7 cm. long, villose, outer filaments united for 2-2.3 cm. from the base to form a firm fleshy tube.Gynoecium about 3-4 cm. long; ovary densely yellow sericeous; style about 3 cm. long, divided for about 4 mm. at the apex into 3 arms, glabrous except at the base. 

CHINA, Yunnan: mountains west of Szemao, A.H enry 12875 ( e , K - t y p e of variety); Hungmau san, A.H enry ( b m ) .

This differs from both var. mairei and var. lapidea by the leaves being glabrous and much less nervose (veins visible on both sides but not markedly so), by the perules being densely velutinous outside and holosericeous on the face, by the larger flower, and by the style being glabrous except at the base. It resembles the original C. pitardii in its leaves, but differs by its hairy androecium and by its markedly velutinous perules. The latter are reminiscent of C. reticulata from which our plant is amply distinct in its leaves and hairy androecium.

FLora of China (2007): Year-old branchlets with pubescence becoming black; current year branchlets yellowish villous. Leaf blade larger, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, to 15 × 6 cm, secondary veins abaxially visible to rarely slightly raised or impressed. Bracteoles and sepals velutinous on both surfaces. Filaments glabrous or inner ones sparsely pilose. Fl. Dec–Jan, fr. Sep–Oct. 2n = 90*

» Distribution

CHINA: Yunnan, Jingdong

» Description

滇南毛蕊山茶Camellia mairei var. velutina Sealy

 灌木,高3米;小枝粗壮,灰褐色,无毛。叶有柄;叶片(9-5)-10-12 厘米长,(2-6)-3-2-4 厘米宽,无毛;叶柄 10-13-(15) 毫米长,无毛。花被花期宿存,形成突出的茸毛杯状,高约2-2-6厘米。花冠 4-5.5 厘米长,5-6 片花瓣贴生于雄蕊群,距基部 1-5 厘米。雌蕊群长约3-4厘米;子房密被黄色绢毛;花柱长约3厘米,在先端约4毫米处分成3臂,除基部外均无毛。

中国,云南: 思茅西部的山,A.Henry 12875 ( e , K - 变种的模式); 红毛山(Hungmau san), A.Henry ( b m ) 。

与原变种 var. mairei 和 var. lapidea 的不同之处在于叶片无毛,叶脉较少(叶脉两面可见,但不明显),花被外面密被短绒毛,表面全被短绒毛,花较大,花柱除基部外均无毛。它的叶片与原始的 C. pitardii 很相似,但不同之处在于它的雌雄蕊群有毛,花被上有明显的茸毛。后者让人联想到 C. reticulata,而我们的植物在叶片和有毛的雌雄蕊群方面与 C. reticulata 完全不同。

 一年生小枝的短柔毛变黑;当年生小枝淡黄具长柔毛。叶片较大,椭圆形到长圆状椭圆形,达 15x6 厘米,背面次脉可见,很少稍突起或凹陷。小苞片和萼片两面茸毛。花丝无毛或内部疏生柔毛。花期12-1月,果期9-10月。2n=90*。

» Distribution
