Conservation Status:Critically Endangered (CR)
Remarks:This name is accepted
Camellia mingii S.X.Yang Phytotaxa 393: 52 (2019) Accepted Name [PDF]
富宁金花茶 Phytotaxa 393: 52 (2019) Chinese Name
» Description
Camellia mingii S.X.Yang, sp. nov. (富宁金花茶), Type:—CHINA.
Yunnan: Funing County, Xinhua town, on limestone in evergreen broad-leaved
forest, 23°39′59″N, 105°40′35″E, elev. ca. 1100 m, 25
February 2017, S. X. Yang 5610 (holotype KUN-1347101; isotype KUN, PE).
Diagnosis: Camellia mingii is similar to C.
pubipetala, but differs in its spiral arrangement of bracteoles and sepals;
its lunate, reniform or broadly ovate bracteoles and sepals, puberulent inside
and glabrous outside indumentum of bracteoles and sepals; its petals suborbicular,
puberulent indumentum on both surfaces; and its indumentum of inner filaments
puberulent to ca. 2/3 from the base.
Shrubs, 2–4 m tall. Young branches cylindrical, brown to dark brown,
densely spreading yellowish villous. Petiole 5–7 mm, indumentum similar to that
of young branches; leaf blade thinly leathery, elliptic-ovate to narrowly
ovate, (9–) 10–15(–17) x 4–6 cm, margin sparsely serrulate, apex acuminate to
caudate-acuminate base broadly cuneate to rounded, adaxially dark green, shiny,
glabrous, abaxially pale green and dark brown glandular punctuate, appressed
villous but densely spreading villous along veins, secondary veins 7–10 on each
side of midvein, abaxially elevated and adaxially impressed. Flowers
subterminal axillary, solitary or rarely, 2-numerous in clusters, 4.5–5.5 cm in
diameter; pedicel ca. 3–6 mm long or subsessile. Bracteoles 4 or 5, unequal,
1.5 x 1.5–3 x 6 mm, ovate or broadly ovate to lunate, outside light green,
glabrous or midrib sparsely puberulent, inside light yellow, densely puberulent,
margin ciliolate. Sepals light green, 5 or 6, broadly ovate to
rounded-reniform, 5 x 10–9 x 13 mm, outside glabrous or nearly glabrous, inside
light yellow and densely puberulent, margin ciliolate. Petals 12 or 13,
suborbicular, golden yellow, basally connate for 1–3 mm, outer petals ca. 1.8 x
2 cm; inner petals ca. 2.7 x 3.3 cm, puberulent on both surfaces. Stamens
numerous, ca. 3 cm long; outer filaments connate ca. basal 1/2, puberulent,
inner filaments nearly istinct, puberulent to ca. 2/3 from base. Ovary ovoid,
3-locular, 2–3 mm in diam., light yellow, densely tomentose. Style ca. 3 cm
long, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. apex 3-lobed, cleft ca. 2–3 mm. Capsule
oblate, 5–7 x 2–3 cm; 3-locular; seeds 2 or 3 per locule; pericarp ca. 5–8 mm
thick; nearly glabrous, puberulent only at apex and base. Seeds brown to dark
brown, hemispherical, ca. 1 cm in diam., pubescent.
from December to February of following year; fruiting from September to
Distribution, habitat and conservation
status Camellia mingii is a local endemic, currently known only from Funing County, Yunnan
Province, China. So far, we know of only three populations in Funing County.
There are about 150 individuals at each site in the towns of Xinhua and Banlun,
but there are fewer than 30 individuals in the town of Guichao. Camellia
mingii is not in a conservation area and there are plausible threats
because it has great commercial value. According to the IUCN Standards and
Petitions Subcommittee (2017), the category of Critically Endangered (CR) is
recommended for C. mingii.
Etymology: The
specific epithet is in honor of Tien-lu Ming, an expert of the family Theaceae.
Additional specimens examined: CHINA. Yunnan: Funing County, Xinhua town, 23°39′59″N, 105°40′35″E, elev. ca. 1100 m, 25 February 2017, S. X. Yang 5611 (KUN),
26 September 2017, S. X. Yang 5648, 5649, 5650 (KUN); Guichao
town, 23°32′43″N, 105°51′28″E, elev. ca. 800 m, 26
February 2017, S. X. Yang 5612, 5613 (KUN); Banlun town,
23°39′17″N, 105°44′06″E, elev. ca. 1226 m, 6 January
2018, S. X. Yang 5679, 5681 (KUN).
Discussion Among Camellia, there are few species with a yellow corolla. Of the yellow camellias, only C. mingii and C. pubipetala are characterized by dense villous branches and abaxial leaf surface as well as a fused style (Chang 1981, 1984, 1991, 1996, Chang & Ren 1998, Chang & Zeng 1982, Chang & Bartholomew 1984, Liang 1990, Ye & Xu 1992, Ming 1999, 2000, Ming & Bartholomew 2007, Orel & Wilson 2010b, Orel et al. 2013, 2014a, Orel & Curry, 2014, Luong et al. 2016, Le et al. 2017, Nguyen et al. 2018). Our phylogenetic analysis also supports their close relationship. Morphologically, they can be distinguished from each other by the shape of the tepals and the presence of the indumentum on the tepals and filaments. The placement of the C. pubipetala has always been controversial. In Chang’s system, C. pubipetala has been placed in the C. sect. Chrysantha (Chang & Ren 1998), but in Ming’s system, it has been transferred to C. sect. Stereocarpus along with C. dormoyana Sealy (1958: 45) and C. luteoflora Y.K.Li ex H.T.Chang & F.A.Zeng (1982: 72) (Ming 2000). Given the inclusiveness of Ming’s system, we suggest that C. mingii be provisionally placed in C. sect. Stereocarpus. In the Threatened Species List of China’s Higher Plants, all species of yellow camellias are listed as critically endangered, endangered, or vulnerable (Qin et al. 2017). The three populations of C. mingii are near villages and are not protected. To establish small nature reserves could be a very effective measure to protect C. mingii and its limestone habitats.
» Distribution
» Description
富宁金花茶Camellia mingii S. X. Yang。首次在Phytotaxa 393: 52 (2019)发表。南宁市金花茶公园,2021.《国内外金花茶物种图鉴》,广西科学技术出版社,第72-73页。
灌木,高2-4米。幼枝圆柱形,棕色到深棕色,密被浅黄开展绒毛。叶柄5-7毫米,叶片薄革质,椭圆状卵形到狭卵形,10-15x 4-6厘米,边缘疏生细锯齿,先端渐尖到尾状渐尖,基部宽楔形到圆形,正面深绿色,亮,无毛,背面浅绿色和深棕色,具腺点,具贴伏长柔毛,沿脉密布长柔毛,中脉每侧的次脉7-10,背面凸起和正面凹陷。花腋生,单生,很少2至多数簇生,直径4.5-5.5厘米;花梗长约3-6毫米或近无柄。小苞片4或5,不等长,1.5 x 1.5–3 x 6毫米,卵形或宽卵形,外面浅绿色,无毛或中脉疏生微柔毛,内面浅黄色,浓密被微柔毛,边缘具缘毛。萼片浅绿色,5或6,宽卵形到圆形肾形,5 x 10–9 x 13毫米,外面无毛或近无毛,内面浅黄色和密被微柔毛,边缘具缘毛。花瓣12或13,近圆形,金黄色,基部合生1-3毫米,外轮花瓣约1.8 x 2厘米;内轮花瓣约2.7 x 3.3厘米,两面被微柔毛。雄蕊多数,长约3厘米;外部花丝合生约基部1/2,被微柔毛,内部花丝近离生,距基部约2/3被微柔毛。子房卵球形,3室,直径2-3毫米,浅黄色,密被绒毛。花柱长约3厘米,无毛或疏生短柔毛。先端3浅裂,裂约2-3毫米。蒴果扁球形,5-7 x 2-3厘米;3室;种子2或3每室;果皮约5-8毫米厚;近无毛,仅在先端和基部被微柔毛。种子棕色到深棕色,半球形,直径约1厘米,短柔毛。
产地: 云南富宁县。生于石灰岩地区的常绿阔叶林中,海拔 800-1300米。花期:12月-次年2月,果期9-11月。
词源: 为了纪念山茶科专家闵天禄(Tien-lu Ming)而命名。
» Distribution
Species in the Same Section: 中东金花茶 Camellia achrysantha H.T.Chang et S.Y .Liang、五室金花茶 Camellia aurea Hung T.Chang、厚叶金花茶 Camellia crassiphylla Ninh et Hakoda、菊芳金花茶 Camellia cucphuongensis Ninh & Rosmann、云南金花茶 Camellia fascicularis Hung T.Chang、黄花茶 Camellia flava (Pit.) Sealy、淡黄金花茶 Camellia flavida、弄岗金花茶 Camellia grandis (C.F.Liang & S.L.Mo) Hung T.Chang & S.Ye Liang 、贵州金花茶 Camellia huana T.L.Ming & W.J.Zhang、胡龙金花茶 Camellia huulungensis Rosmann & Ninh、凹脉金花茶 Camellia impressinervis Hung T.Chang & S.Ye Liang、薄瓣金花茶 Camellia leptopetala Chang & S.Y.Liang、柠檬黄金花茶 Camellia limonia C.F.Liang & S.L.Mo、陇瑞金花茶 Camellia longruiensis S. Y. Liang et X. J. Dong、龙州金花茶 Camellia longzhouensis J.Y.Luo、小花金花茶 Camellia micrantha S.Ye Liang & Y.C.Zhong、多瓣金花茶 Camellia multipetala S.Ye Liang & C.Z.Deng、防城金花茶 Camellia nitidissima C. W. Chi、小果金花茶 Camellia chrysantha (Hu)Tuyama var. microcarpa S. L. Mo et S. Z. Huang、小瓣金花茶 Camellia parvipetala、平果金花茶 Camellia pingguoensis D.Fang、顶生金花茶 Camellia pingguoensis var. terminalis (J.Y.Liang & Z.M.Su) T.L.Ming & W.J.Zhang、毛籽金花茶 Camellia ptilosperma S.Yun Liang & Q.D.Chen、毛瓣金花茶 Camellia pubipetala Y.Wan & S.Z.Huang、罗斯曼金花茶 Camellia rosmannii Ninh、三岛金花茶 Camellia tamdaoensis Hakoda et Ninh 、天峨金花茶 Camellia tianeensis S.Ye Liang & Y.T.Luo、东兴金花茶 Camellia tunghinensis Hung T.Chang、夏石金花茶 Camellia xiashiensis S.Yun Liang & C.Z.Deng、中越山茶 Camellia indochinensis Merr.、德保金花茶 Camellia debaoensis R.C.Hu & Y.Q.Liufu、四季花金花茶 Camellia perpetua S. Y. Liang et L. D. Huang、潘氏金花茶 Camellia phanii Hakoda & Ninh、越南小花金花茶 Camellia minima Orel & Curry、红顶金花茶 Camellia insularis Orel & Curry、多毛金花茶 Camellia hirsuta Hakoda & Ninh、箱田金花茶 Camellia hakodae Ninh, Tr.、武鸣金花茶 Camellia wumingensis S.Ye Liang & C.R.Fu ex Hai L.Chen、隆安金花茶 Camellia rostrata S.X.Yang & S.F.Chai、奥康纳山茶 Camellia oconoriana Orel, Curry & Luu、国顺山茶 Camellia thuongiana V.D.Luong, A.Le & T.L.Nguyen、威尔克斯山茶 Camellia wilkesiana Orel & Curry、弄岗金花茶 Camellia longgangensis C.F.Liang & S.L.Mo、金花茶 Camellia chrysantha (Hu) Tuyama、崇左金花茶 Camellia chuongtsoensis S.Y. Liang et. L. D. Huang 、和平山茶 Camellia hoabinhensis V.D.Luong, Ninh & V.T.Pham、梁氏金花茶 Camellia luongii Ninh & Le、聪顺金花茶 Camellia thuanana T.T. Hoang、杜延光山茶 Camellia tuyenquangensis V.D.Luong, Le & Ninh、细毛茶 Camellia velutina V.T.Pham, V.D.Luong & Aver、婉丽金花茶 Camellia concinna Orel & Curry、毛花金花茶 Camellia piloflora S.X.Yang、先安金花茶 Camellia tienyenensis Orel & Curry、密毛金花茶 Camellia tomentosa Orel & Curry、伊丽莎白金花茶 Camellia elizabethae Orel & Curry、佛朗西斯茶 Camellia andrefrancisii Orel & Curry