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小瓣金花茶 Camellia parvipetala

Last Updated:2025/2/24 16:20:13 By:wangzhonglang


Conservation Status


This name is a synonym of Camellia indochinensis


» Description

Gao Jiyin, Clifford R. Parks, Du Yueqiang, 2005, Collected Species of the Genus Camellia an Illustrated Outline,p.116. Flowers are pale yellow, 1.5 to 2.0 cm in diameter, borne in leaf axils. Pedicels 2-4 mm long. Bracts 5-6. Sepals 5-6, margin ciliate. Petals 6-8, about 13 mm long, 7-10 mm wide, tip emarginate. Androecium glabrous, 8-10 mm long, outermost filaments fused at the base into a short column. Gynoecium 8-10 mm long, 3 styles, free, not fused at the base, ovary glabrous. Blooming season: late autumn to late winter. Capsules globose, 2.0-2.5 cm in diameter, 3 locules, pericarp wall about 1 mm thick. Seeds glabrous. Leaves oblong to broadly obovate, tip shortly acuminate, base broadly cuneate, 6.0-15.0 cm long, 2.5-7.0 cm wide, margin thinly serrulate, thinly coriaceous, upper surface with lateral veins and mid-ribs impressed, glabrous, lower surface with midribs and lateral veins raised, glabrous, cork-warts. Petioles 5-10 mm long, glabrous. Shrub up to 4 m tall, young shoots glabrous, purple-red, older branches glabrous, gray-brown in color. Distribution: Under the canopy of evergreen forests in Ningming County in southern Guangxi, Elevation: 150-300 m; Specific localities: Paitai Village, Shilang Township, Ningming County, Guangxi, and also at the Yellow Camellia Garden in Nanning City, Guangxi, China.

» Distribution

Under the canopy of evergreen forests in Ningming County in southern Guangxi, Elevation: 150-300 m; Specific localities: Paitai Village, Shilang Township, Ningming County, Guangxi, and also at the Yellow Camellia Garden in Nanning City, Guangxi, China.

» Description

高继银、帕克斯、杜跃强,2005. 《山茶属植物主要原种彩色图集》浙江科学技术出版社,第116页。花淡黄色,花径1.5~2.0厘米,腋生。花柄长2~4毫米。苞片5~6枚,萼片5~6枚,边缘具睫毛。花瓣6~8枚,长约13毫米,宽7~10毫米,长圆形,先端凹缺。雄蕊无毛,长8~10毫米,外轮花丝基部连生形成短管状。雌蕊长8~10毫米,花柱3条,基部离生,子房无毛。花期秋末至冬末。蒴果球形,直径2.0~2.5厘米,3室,果皮厚约1毫米。种子无毛。叶长圆形至阔倒卵形,先端短尖,基部阔楔形,长6.0~15.0厘米,宽2.5~7.0厘米,边缘具细齿,薄革质,叶面侧脉和中脉凹陷,无毛,叶背中脉与侧脉凸起,无毛,具腺点。叶柄长5~10毫米,无毛。灌木,高可达4米,嫩枝无毛,紫褐色,老枝无毛,灰褐色。分布:广西壮族自治区南部的宁明县境内(通常生长 在常绿林中),海拔150-300米。可寻地点:广西壮族自治 区宁明县峙浪乡派台村。另外,广西壮族自治区南宁市金花茶公园也有栽培。

小瓣金花茶Camellia parvipetala J. Y. Liang et Z. M. Su南宁市金花茶公园,2021.《国内外金花茶物种图鉴》,广西科学技术出版社,第78-79页。【形态特征】常绿灌木,高2.0-4.0m。树皮浅红棕色。嫩枝圆柱形,红棕色,无毛;老枝棕色。叶芽锥形,绿色。嫩叶紫棕色。老叶革质,椭圆形,长9.6-15.5cm,宽4.2-7.0cm,叶缘有浅钝锯齿,先端短尾尖,基部楔形或宽楔形,正面深绿色,背面浅绿色有黑色腺点,两面均无毛,叶面有光泽;侧脉4-6对;主脉和侧脉在叶面凹陷,在叶背凸起;网脉在叶两面均明显可见,叶肉在叶面隆起;叶柄长0.6-1.0cm,无毛。花蕾球形。花黄色,单生或2-3朵簇生,顶生或腋生,直 2.4-2.7cm;花梗长0.5-0.7cm;苞片5-7枚,半圆形;萼片5-6枚,深绿色,半圆形 至近圆形,内侧和外侧均无毛,边缘有白色短茸毛,宿存;花瓣6-9枚,椭圆形,薄且近透明,瓣面脉纹不明显;花丝长1.1-1.4cm2-3轮筒状排列,外轮基部合生,内轮离生,无毛;花药黄色,椭圆形;花柱3条,长1.2-1.4cm,无毛,离生;子房球形,光滑无毛,3室。蒴果三角状扁球形,深红棕色带黄绿色,直径3.0-4.3cm,高17-2.2cm,重10.5-25.4g,果皮厚1.6-2.7mm。种子每室1-3粒,近球形、半球形或三角状球形,棕色。花期12月至翌年1月,果熟期11-12月。【原产地】该种是中国的一个特有种,分布于广西宁明,生长在海拔180-900m的土山常绿杂木林中。【识别要点】该种叶片椭圆形,先端短尾尖,基部楔形或宽楔形;花较小,直径2.4-2.7cm,子房光滑无毛。

» Distribution
