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Home/ Species/ Camellia proensis

普罗山茶 Camellia proensis V.D.Luong, Dudkin & V.H.Quach

Last Updated:2025/2/24 14:11:50 By:wangzhonglang


Conservation Status

Remarks:This name is accepted


Camellia proensis V.D.Luong, Dudkin & V.H.Quach  Phytotaxa 479: 138 (2021) Accepted Name [PDF]

Camellia proensis V.D.Luong, Doudkin & V.H.Quach  Kakuta Y. (2023). Botanical Art-Genus Camellia & Polyspora of Vietnam. Text p.40, Illustration p.20. Japan Gardening Society. Cited Name


» Description

Camellia proensis L. V. Dung, Doudkin & Q. V. Hoi. Section: Piquetia, Phytotaxa 479 (1), 137 (2021), TYPE: VIETNAM. Lam Dong Province: Don Duong District, Pro commune,800–1,100 m elevation,08/03/2015, Quach VanHoi, Luong Van DungDUNG.150301 (Holotype, Isotypes, DLU!).

The specimen was first discovered by Luong Van Dung and Quach Van Hoi in 2015 in Pró commune, Don Duong district, Lam Dong province. In 2021, the group of authors Quach Van Hoi, Luong Van Dung, V. Doudkin, V. Averyanov, Bui Bao Thinh, Nguyen Thi Lieu and Luu Hong Truong published in the journal Phytotaxa with the scientific name Camellia proensis. The Vietnamese name is Tra pró, after the name of the place where the species was discovered.

Description:—Small tree, 5–6 m tall. Young branches glabrous, light brown buds. Leaves oblong-elliptic, apex acuminate, base rounded or acute, adaxial and abaxial surfaces glabrous, 7.5–8.5 cm wide, 33–35 cm long; petioles 1–2 cm long, glabrous; lateral veins almost parallel, midrib and lateral veins clearly show in the abaxial surfaces, margin denticulate. Flowers 1–3 in the axillary, flower buds globose, 1.3–1.7 cm wide, flower 4.0–5.5 cm diameter, peduncle branched or not, 3.0–5.5 cm long, glabrous. Bractlets 2–3, light green, triangular, dropping quickly before the fruiting season, glabrous, 1–2 mm wide 1.5–3.0 mm tall. Sepals 5, hemisphere, persistent, light green, pubescent on the outside, glabrous on the inside, 6–12 mm tall, and 9–15 mm wide. Petals 5–6, almost round to obovate, light yellow, pubescent on the outside, glabrous on the inside, 1.7–1.8 wide and 1.7–2.4 cm tall. Stamens numerous, in 4–5 whorls, 1.5–2.0 cm long, outer filaments basally connate into a tube, filament tube 5–7 mm tall and adnate to the base of petals, pubescent at the base of inner filaments. Ovary globose, tomentose, 3.5–4.0 mm tall and 4–5 mm wide, has grooves, the ovary has 4–5 locular. Styles ripped 4–5 to base, tomentose to ½ from the base, 1.5–1.8 cm long. Fruit flat-globose, 4.0–5.5 cm tall and 8.5–10.0 cm wide, sparse hair, capsule five locular, 1-locular with two seeds, pericarp 1–1.3 cm thick. Seeds spherical, hemispherical or wedge-shaped, glabrous, 1.6–2.0 cm wide, 2.3–2.6 cm long.

Affinity:—Camellia proensisis morphologically similar to C. sonthaiensis in glabrous young branches and leaves; sepals 5, hairy on the outside; petal light yellow, hairy on the outside, from which it is distinguished by the size of mature fruit, 3.0–3.5 cm in diameter, 1.5–2.0 cm deep (C. sonthaiensis), 4.0–5.5 cm tall, 8.5–10.0 cm wide (C. proensis).

Etymology:—The species is named after the location where the authors first found this plant. Pro is the name of Pro commune, Don Duong District, Lam Dong Province, Vietnam.

Habitat:—This species is distributed in the evergreen broadleaf forest, the foot of the mountain where the slope is low, along the sides of the stream with relatively high humidity, or near the edge of the forest, where there is plenty of light. The species is distributed at elevations 800–1100 m, Pro commune, Don Duong District, Ta Nang Commune, Duc Trong District, Lam Dong Province.

Phenology:—These species produce buds and start to flower from January to March. Flowers bloom in late February, bearing fruits from August to October.

» Distribution

VIETNAM. Lam Dong Province: Don Duong District


» Description

普罗山茶Camellia proensis L. V. Dung, Doudkin & Q. V. Hoi 组:匹克茶组 PiquetiaPhytotaxa 479 (1), 137 (2021)。越南林同省东阳区临公社,海拔800-1,100米,08/03/2015, Quach Van Hoi, Luong Van Dung DUNG.150301 (主模式, 等模式, DLU!).

该标本由 Luong Van Dung 和 Quach Van Hoi 于 2015 年在林同省东阳县 Pró 乡首次发现。2021 年,由 Quach Van Hoi、Luong Van Dung、V. Doudkin、V. Averyanov、Bui Bao Thinh、Nguyen Thi Lieu 和 Luu Hong Truong 组成的作者小组在Phytotaxa上发表了学名为 Camellia proensis 的文章。越南语名称为 Tra pró,与发现该物种的地名相同。

描述:小乔木,高 5-6 米。幼枝无毛,芽淡褐色。叶长圆状椭圆形,先端渐尖,基部圆形或锐尖,正面和背面无毛,宽7.5-8.5厘米,长33-35厘米;叶柄长1-2厘米,无毛;侧脉几乎平行,中脉和侧脉在背面清晰可见,边缘具小齿。腋生花 1-3 朵,花蕾球状,宽 1.3-1.7 厘米,花直径 4.0-5.5 厘米,花序梗有无分枝,长 3.0-5.5 厘米,无毛。小苞片 2-3 枚,淡绿色,三角形,在果期前迅速掉落,无毛,宽 1-2 毫米,高 1.5-3.0 毫米。萼片 5,半球形,宿存,淡绿色,外面被短柔毛,里面无毛,高 6-12 毫米,宽 9-15 毫米。花瓣 5-6 枚,几乎圆形至倒卵形,淡黄色,外面被短柔毛,里面无毛,宽 1.7-1.8 厘米,高 1.7-2.4 厘米。雄蕊多数,4-5轮,长1.5-2.0厘米,外花丝基部合生成筒,花丝筒高5-7毫米,贴生于花瓣基部,内花丝基部被短柔毛。子房球状,被绒毛,高 3.5-4.0 毫米,宽 4-5 毫米,有凹槽,子房 4-5 室。花柱撕裂4-5至基部,被绒毛至基部的1/2处,长1.5-1.8厘米。果实扁球形,高4.0-5.5厘米,宽8.5-10.0厘米,毛稀疏,蒴果5室,1室,有2颗种子,果皮厚1-1.3厘米。种子球形、半球形或楔形,无毛,宽 1.6-2.0 厘米,长 2.3-2.6 厘米。

亲缘关系:Camellia proensis在形态上与C. sonthaiensis相似,幼枝和叶无毛;萼片5,外面有毛;花瓣浅黄色,外面有毛,与C. sonthaiensis的区别在于成熟果实的大小,直径3.0-3.5厘米,深1.5-2.0厘米(C. sonthaiensis),高4.0-5.5厘米,宽8.5-10.0厘米(C. proensis)。

词源:该物种以作者首次发现该植物的地点命名。Pro 是越南林同省 Don Duong 县 Pro 乡的名称。

栖息地:该物种分布于常绿阔叶林、坡度较低的山脚下、湿度相对较高的溪流两侧或光照充足的林缘附近。该物种分布在海拔 800-1100 米的地方,如林同省东阳县 Pro 乡、德庄县 Ta Nang 乡。

物候期:该物种从 1 月到 3 月发出花蕾并开始开花。二月下旬开花,八月至十月结果。

» Distribution

