Conservation Status:
Remarks:This name is accepted
Camellia puniceiflora Hung T.Chang Taxonomy of the genus Camellia: 40 (1981) Accepted Name
粉红短柱茶 张宏达. 1981. 山茶属植物的系统研究.中山大学学报(自然科学)论丛(1):40 Chinese Name
» Description
Camellia puniceiflora Hung T.Chang, First published in Taxonomy of the genus Camellia: 40 (1981). Subgenus Camellia, Sect. Paracamellia, Chang Hung-ta and Bruce Bartholomew (1984). Camellias, p.57: Camellia puniceiflora Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr. ser. 1:40. 1981. [Description] Shrub 2 m tall, branchlets glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic, 4-5 cm long, 2-2. 5 cmwide, apices obtuse or slightly acute, bases broadly cuneate, extremely shiny above, glabrous below, lateral veins 5-6 pairs, margins serrate; petioles 3-4 mm long, pubescent. Flowers terminal or axillary, sessile, pink, 6 cm in diameter; bracts andsepals 7-8, to 1 cm long, ovoid, exterior slightly pubescent; petals 5-6, obovate, 3 cmlong, slightly connate; stamens 1-1.3 cm long, free, glabrous; ovaries pubescent; styles3-parted, glabrous, 5-7 mm long. Capsules globose, 1-locular, pericarp 3-4 mm thick.
Gao Jiyin, Clifford R. Parks, Du Yueqiang, 2005, Collected Species of the Genus Camellia an Illustrated Outline,p.192. Flowers are pale pink to pink, 6.0 cm in diameter, produced at the tips of the shoots and in leaf axils, sometimes prolific bud set. Perules 7-8, deciduous at flowering, outside pubescent or glabrous, inside glabrous. Petals 5-7, approximately 3 cm long, obovate to obcordate, petals free or very slightly fused with the staminal column at the base. Androecium glabrous, 1.0-1.2 cm long, approximately 40 stamens. Gynoecium 7-9 mm long, 3 styles, ovary tomentose. Blooming season: early to late autumn. Capsules generally globose, 3 locules, pericarp 2-4 mm thick. Seed oil content ranges from 33.5%- 45.7 %.Leaves variably elliptic in shape, tip acute to very slightly acuminate, base broadly cuneate, 3.4-5.0 cm long, 2.0-22 cm wide, margin serrulate, upper surface smooth, midrib puberulent, lower surface with slightly raised midrib, smooth. Petiole 3-5 mm long, pubescent. Shrub up to 2 m tall, young shoots glabrous, twigs brown, older branches smooth and gray. Distribution: Tianmu Mountain, Taishun County, Longquan City and Yunhe County in Zhejiang Province and Pingjiang County in Hunan Province; Elevation: 250-700 m; Specific locality: Along the sides of Jinqi Stream, Longquan County, Zhejiang Province, China.
» Distribution
» Description
粉红短柱茶Camellia puniceiflora Chang, sp. nov. 张宏达,1981. 《山茶属植物的系统研究》第40页。【标本】浙江:龙泉.锦旗,谷地溪旁,1959年11月10日,花粉红,章绍尧7058, 7150 (模式标本Typus! in Bot. Gard. Hangchow);天目山,贺贤育25168;杭州植物园1821。【形态特征】灌木,高2米,嫩枝无毛。叶革质,椭圆形,长4-5厘米,宽2-2.5厘米,先 端钝或稍尖,基部阔楔形,上面极光亮,下面无毛,侧脉5-6对,边缘有锯齿;叶柄长3-4毫米,有毛。花顶生及腋生,无柄,粉红色,直径6厘米,苞片及萼片7-8片,最长1厘米,卵圆形,背略有毛;花瓣5-6拧,倒卵形,长3厘米,稍连生;雄蕊长1-1.3厘米,离生,无毛;子房有毛,花柱3条,无毛,长5-7毫米。蒴果球形,1室,果皮厚3-4毫米。
高继银、帕克斯、杜跃强,2005. 《山茶属植物主要原种彩色图集》浙江科学技术出版社,第192页。花淡粉红色至粉红色,直径6.0厘米,单朵顶生或腋生,有时花芽极多。鱗片7~8枚,随开花而脱落,外侧被柔毛或无毛,内侧无毛。花瓣5~7枚,长约3厘米,倒卵形至倒心形,基部离生或者与雄蕊柱略连生。雄蕊无毛,长1.0~1.2厘米,约40枚。雌蕊长7~9毫米,花柱3裂,子房被绒毛。花期秋季。蒴果一般呈球形,3室,果皮厚2~4毫米。种子含油量为33.5%~45.7%。叶椭圆形,先端突尖至略渐尖,基部阔楔形,长3.4~5.0厘米,宽2.0~2.2厘米,具叶齿,叶面光滑,中脉被微柔毛,叶背中脉略凸起,无毛。叶柄长3~5毫米,被短柔毛。灌木,高可达2米,嫩枝无毛,枝条褐色,老枝光滑,灰色。分布:浙江省天目山、龙泉市、云河县、泰顺县以及湖南省平江县, 海拔250-700米。可寻地点:浙江省龙泉市锦旗溪边。
» Distribution
Species in the Same Section: 短柱茶 Camellia brevistyla (Hay.) Cohen-Stuart、红花短柱茶 Camellia brevistyla (Hay.) Cohen-Stuart, f. rubida P. L. Chiu、小果短柱茶 Camellia confusa (Craib) Cohen-Stuart、窄叶短柱茶 Camellia fluviatilis Hand.-Mazz.、锯叶茶 Camellia grijsii Hance 、冬红短柱茶 Camellia hiemalis Nakai、落瓣短柱茶 Camellia kissi Wall. 、大花短柱茶 Camellia kissi Wall. var. megalantha Hung T. Chang、樱花短柱茶 Camellia maliflora Lindl. 、细叶短柱茶 Camellia microphylla (Merr.) S.S.Chien、琉球短柱茶 Camellia miyagii (Koidz.) Makino & Nemoto、钝叶短柱茶 Camellia obtusifolia Hung T.Chang、陕西短柱茶 Camellia shensiensis、威宁短柱茶 Camellia weiningensis Y.K.Li、阿森短柱茶 Camellia lutescens Dyer、短柱山茶 Camellia brevissima Hung T.Chang & S.Ye Liang、大姚短柱茶 Camellia tenii Sealy、褐枝短柱茶 Camellia phaeoclada Hung T.Chang、河静山茶 Camellia hatinhensis V.D.Luong, Ninh & L.T.Nguyen