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雪椿 Camellia rusticana Honda

Last Updated:2025/2/13 8:55:21 By:wangzhonglang

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Conservation Status

Remarks:This name is accepted


Camellia japonica var. decumbens Sugim.  Key Trees Shrubs Japan: 252 (1936). Heterotypic Synonym Heterotypic Synonym

Camellia japonica var. hajime-tanakai Yanagita  J. Jap. Forest. Soc. 18: 629 (1936). Heterotypic Synonym Heterotypic Synonym

Camellia rusticana Honda  Biosphaera 1: 100 (1947) Accepted Name

Camellia japonica subsp. rusticana (Honda) Kitam.  Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 14: 61 (1950). Homotypic Synonym Heterotypic Synonym

Camellia rusticana var. plena Honda   Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 12: 177 (1950). Heterotypic Synonym Heterotypic Synonym

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» Description

Camellia rusticana Honda. First published in Biosphaera 1: 100 (1947). Sealy (1958), Rev. Gen. Camellia p.179 as C. japonica subsp. rusticana (Honda) Kitamura: Differs from C. japonica by shorter petioles, 5-8 mm. long and often pubescent on the upper side; by involucre of floral perules shorter, 1.5-1.7 cm. rarely 2 cm. high, inner perules smaller 1.2-1.5 cm. long and 1-1.6 cm. wide, perules from glabrous (slightly pubescent only at apex) in some flowers to densely appressed silky-pubescent with wide glabrous margins in other flowers; by petals less highly adnate to the androecium, usually for 4-6 mm. but sometimes for 7-10 mm., and wide-spreading; and by the shorter androecium, 1.7-2.3 cm. long, with filaments united among themselves for only 2-3 mm. above the union with the petals.  Distribution: JAPAN. Honsu : Yatsuo village, 17 km. S.W. of Toyama city (137° 7' E, 36° 55' N.), S.Kirino 162 (K, M); Muronaki village, 19 km. S.W. of Toyama city, S. Kirino 163 (K, M); Otaka Mt., Hosori village, 20 km. N.E. of Toyama city, L. A. Charette 1932m; Zaosan, Kitakanbaragun, Echigo Prov., M.Togasi, JVSM. 200 (K).

The leaf has a shorter petiole, about 5 millimetres long, with fine hairs (pubescent) at the base. The bracteoles and sepals are smooth (glabrous) on the outside. The color of the flowers ranges from red through rose to pink, flowering in April to May. 

In Japan it is known by the common name "yuki-tsubaki" (snow camellia) as it naturally occurs in areas of heavy snowfall at altitudes ranging from 1,100 metres down to 120 metres on sloping land under deciduous beech trees in the mountain regions to the north of the main island of Honshu and facing the Sea of Japan. In December heavy drifts of snow come in from the north, covering the plants to a depth of up to 2.4 metres. The bushes remain covered by snow from December till the end of March when the snow melts in early Spring and the camellias start flowering.

» Distribution

High snowfall zones adjacent to the Sea of Japan in northwestern Honshu Island, Japan; Elevation: 100-1,000m; Specific locality: Yatsuo Village (near Toyama City), Toyama Prefecture, Japan.

» Description

雪椿 Camellia rusticana Honda。 张宏达,1981. 《山茶属植物的系统研究》第82页:短柄红山茶 Camellia japonica subsp. rusticana (Honda) Kitamura。产日本。【形态特征】这个种具有被毛而较短的叶柄,花的苞被片较短,花瓣连生较轻微,雄蕊亦较短。识别点:本种叶柄较短,长约 5 毫 米 ,上面多少被柔毛,苞 、萼较小,外面无毛或近无毛。

高继银、帕克斯、杜跃强,2005. 《山茶属植物主要原种彩色图集》浙江科学技术出版社,第45页。花艳红色,花冠近扁平。鳞片短小。花瓣基部与雄蕊柱连生较少,通常只有4~6毫米。雄蕊宽、散开,基部连生形成一个6~8毫米长短管。蒴果较小,果皮厚2~4毫米。叶片略小。叶柄长5~8毫米,略被微毛。灌木,多呈匍匐状,高可达4米。其他性状同山茶(C.japonica)。分布:日本西北部靠近曰本海降雪较多的地带,海拔 100-1000米。可寻地点:日本富山县八尾村。

» Distribution
