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全缘红山茶 Camellia subintegra P.C.Huang

Last Updated:2025/2/14 16:41:21 By:wangzhonglang


Conservation Status

Remarks:This name is accepted


Camellia subintegra P.C.Huang  H.T.Chang, Taxonomy of the genus Camellia: 83 (1981) Accepted Name

Camellia lienshanensis Hung T.Chang  Taxonomy of the genus Camellia: 89 (1981) Heterotypic Synonym

全缘红山茶  张宏达. 1981. 山茶属植物的系统研究.中山大学学报(自然科学)论丛(1):83 Chinese Name


» Description

Camellia subintegra, Subgenus Camellia, Sect. Camellia, Subsect. Lucidissima Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr. ser. 1: 79. 1981. Chang Hung-ta and Bruce Bartholomew (1984). Camellias, p.108: Camellia subintegra P. C. Huang in Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, mono-gr. ser. 1: 83. 1981. [Description] Small tree, branchlets glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, narrowly oblong or lanceolate, 8-11 cm long, 2-3. 5 cm wide, apices acuminate, bases cuneate, shiny above, glabrousbelow, lateral veins 6-7, margins subentire or upper 1/3 sparsely serrulate, petioles ca. 1. 5 cm long. Flowers 1-2 terminal, red, 8-9 cm in diameter, sessile; bracts and sepals 10-12, coriaceous, 1. 2-2 cm long, sericeous; petals 5-6, 3.5-5. 7 cm long, basally connate; stamens in 4-5series, outer filament whorl connate into a tube, free filaments glabrous; ovaries glabrous, 3-4 locular; styles 2 cm long, apically 3-cleft. Capsules ovoid, 3-6 cmlong, 3-4-valvate dehiscent, valves 1-2 cm thick, 1-3 seeds per locule.

Gao Jiyin, Clifford R. Parks, Du Yueqiang, 2005, Collected Species of the Genus Camellia an Illustrated Outline,p.78-79. Flowers are intense rose-pink, 5.0-10.0 cm in diameter, borne singly at the tips of shoots and in leaf axils; bud set may be abundant. Perules 9-12, persistent to fruit maturity, outside densely pubescent, inside only pubescent toward tip. Petals 5-8, 3.5-6.8 cm long, 4.5-4.6 cm wide, obcordate, cleft at tip from 7-8 mm, fused with the androecial column up to 10 mm from the base. Androecium glabrous, 2.8-3.4 cm long, fused with the staminal column from the base up to about 1.8 cm, approximately 100 stamens. Gynoecium 2.7-3.1 cm long, 3-4 glabrous styles, 75% -80% fused from the base, ovary glabrous. Blooming season: midwinter to early spring. Capsules ovoid, 3.0-6.0 cm in diameter, glabrous, 3-4 locules, pericarp wall 10, or more, mm in thickness. Seeds glabrous, oil content of seed kernels is 69.30%.Leaves lance-elliptic to slightly obovate in shape, tip acuminate to occasionally cuspidate, base cuneate, 5.0-11.0 cm long, 2.0-3.7 cm wide, margin entire or with a few small serrations near the tip, glabrous on both surfaces, upper surface with midrib slightly raised, lower surface with midrib slightly raised. Petiole 7-11 mm long, glabrous. Shrub or small tree up to 8 m tall, shoots glabrous, twig color brown, older branches smooth and gray in color. Distribution: In mixed forests in western Jiangxi Province and southern Hunan Province; Elevation: 650-1,100 m; Specific locality: Mingyueshan Forest Park, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, China.

» Distribution

In mixed forests in western Jiangxi Province and southern Hunan Province; Elevation: 650-1,100 m; Specific locality: Mingyueshan Forest Park, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, China.

» Description

全缘红山茶Camellia subintegra P.C Huang* sp. nov. 张宏达,1981. 《山茶属植物的系统研究》第83页。【标本】江西:宜春,安福,王明庥、黄鵬成23, 226(模式Typus!存南京林学院);武功山,南坪,植物研究所江西队15151150【形态特征】小乔木,嫩枝无毛。叶革质,狭长圆形或披针形,长8-11厘米,宽2-3.5厘米,先端渐尖,基部楔形,上面发亮,下面无毛,侧脉6-7对,近全缘或上部1/3有疏小齿,叶柄长约1.5厘米。花1-2朵顶生,红色,直径8-9厘米,无柄;苞及萼10-12片,革质,长1.2-2厘米,被丝毛;花瓣5-6片,长3,5-5,7厘米,基部连生;雄蕊4-5列,外轮花丝连生成管,游离花丝无毛;子房无毛,3-4室,花柱长2厘米,先端3裂,蒴果卵圆形,长3-6厘米,3-4爿裂开,果爿厚1-2厘米,每室有种子1-3个。

高继银、帕克斯、杜跃强,2005. 《山茶属植物主要原种彩色图集》浙江科学技术出版社,第78-79页。花色鲜艳的玫瑰粉红色,花径5.0~10.0厘米,单花顶生或腋生,花芽多。鳞片9~12枚,宿存至果实成熟,外密被短柔毛,内只是先端被短柔毛。花瓣5~8枚,长3.5~6.8厘米,宽4.5~4.6厘米,倒心形,先端有7~8毫米的裂□,基部与雄蕊柱连生达10毫米。雄蕊无毛,长2.8~3.4厘米,基部与雄蕊柱连生1.8厘米,雄蕊数约100枚。雌蕊长2.7~3.1厘米,花柱3~4个,无毛,基部75%~80%连生,子房无毛。花期冬季中期至早春。蒴果卵球形,直径3.0~6.0厘米,无毛,3~4室,果皮厚10毫米以上。种子无毛,含油量为69.30%。叶披针状椭圆形至略倒卵形,先端渐尖,偶见尾尖,基部楔形,长5.0~11.0厘米,宽2.0~3.7厘米,边缘无齿或先端有稀疏小锯齿,叶片两面无毛,中脉两面均略凸起。叶柄长7~11毫米,无毛。小乔木或灌木,高可达8米,嫩枝无毛,技条褐色,老枝光滑,灰色。分布:江西省西部和湖南省南部(生于混交林中),海拔 650-1100米。可寻地点:江西省宜春市明月山国家森林公园。

» Distribution
