Conservation Status:
Remarks:This name is accepted
Camellia tianeensis S.Ye Liang & Y.T.Luo Guangxi Forest. Sci. Technol. (2):83-85.(1995) Accepted Name [PDF]
天峨金花茶 广西林业科技(2):83-85 (1995) Chinese Name
Camellia tianeensis S.Ye Liang & Y.T.Luo Guobin JIANG, He LI, Yanbing YANG, Chaoran XU, Zhongxuan GUO, Lunxiu DENG. Taxonomic Notes on Camellia huana (Theaceae)[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2024, 44(6): 901-913. Cited Name [PDF]
» Description
Camellia tianeensis S. Y. Liang & Y. T. Luo. Guangxi Forestry Science, 2: 83-85,1995. Jiang et al. (2024).Taxonomic Notes on Camellia huana (Theaceae)[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2024, 44(6): 901-913.
TYPE.—— CHINA. Guangxi(广西): Tian’e County(天峨县),alt. 350-450 m,14 March 1992,Liang Sheng-Ye(梁盛业) 9203014(holotype: SYS 00081437 image!; isotype: SYS 00093187,SYS 00092023); same locality,19 February 1991,Luo Yun-Ting(罗云廷) 9107019(paratype: GXFI) ; same locality,16 July 1991,Luo Yun-Ting(罗云廷) 9107016(paratype: GXFI); same locality,14 July 1977,Tian’e Investigation Team(天峨调查队)4-6-283(paratype: GXMI 050196 image!) .
Other Specimens:CHINA:Guangxi(广西): Tian’e County(天峨县),14 July 1977,Tian’e Investigation Team(天峨调查队) 4-6-283(GXMI 050196);Tian’e County(天峨县) Tian’e Investigation Team (天峨调查队) 499(GXMI 050195); Poji of Tian'e County, Li He (李鹤) 613(GF), 29 December 2017. Guizhou (贵州): Luodian County (罗甸县) Tianba Village,5 April 1959,QIannan Team (黔南队) 170(HGAS 015152, PE 00628090,PE 00628091)、Qiannan Team (黔南队) 287(PE 02222504,PE 00628088,PE 00628089); Same locality , 14 December 1995,Yang Chenghua (杨成华) 2887、2874(SYS,GF);Same locality,14 October 2004,Yang Chenghua (杨成华) 4406(GF);Same locality,17 October 2004,Yang Chenghua (杨成华)4410(GF);Same locality, 23 December 2019,Yang Chenghua (杨成华)6787(GF,IBK).
Evergreen shrub, 1.5–2.0 m tall; bark gray-brown; current-year branches pale red to purplish-red, older branches gray-brown to yellowish-brown. Leaves: Alternate; subleathery; young leaves purplish-red or pale red, gradually turning green; elliptic, 6.5–13.5 (occasionally up to 16.5) cm long, 3.5–6.5 (occasionally up to 8.5) cm wide; apex acute or acuminate, base cuneate to broadly cuneate; margins finely dentate-serrate; adaxial surface dark green and glossy (dried yellowish-green), abaxial surface pale green (dried grayish-green), glabrous on both sides; lateral veins 6–7 pairs, slightly sunken with the midvein on the adaxial surface and distinctly raised on the abaxial surface; reticulate veins obscure adaxially, prominent abaxially; petiole 1.0–1.8 cm long, green, glabrous. Flowers: Usually solitary in leaf axils or at branch tips; buds purplish-red to pale red, opening to pale yellow or yellowish-white, 4.5–5.0 cm in diameter; pedicel 5–8 mm long. Bracts small, 5–6, semicircular, 2–3 mm long, green, glabrous externally, grayish-white pubescent internally, persistent. Sepals 5, suborbicular, 5–7 mm long, 5–8 mm wide, green, glabrous externally, grayish-white pubescent internally, persistent. Petals 7–12; outer petals smaller, suborbicular, 1.1–1.5 cm long, 1.0–1.3 cm wide, glabrous externally, minutely pubescent internally; inner petals larger, elliptic, apex rounded, 1.8–2.5 cm long, 1.5–2.0 cm wide, glabrous. Stamens numerous, approximately 170–245, arranged in 4–5 whorls; filaments white, 1.0–1.6 cm long, glabrous; outer filaments basally fused with the petal bases into a short tube (5–8 mm long); inner filaments free at base, 1.1–1.8 cm long; anthers yellow, elliptic. Ovary subglobose, 3 mm in diameter, glabrous; styles 3, white, completely free, 2.0–2.1 cm long, glabrous. Fruit: Capsule, oblate-triangular globose, 2.5–4.1 cm in diameter, glabrous, green, apex slightly concave, base with persistent bracts and sepals; typically 3-loculed, dehiscing into 3 valves; pericarp thin, 1–3 mm thick. Seeds: 1–2 per locule, subglobose, hemispheric, or triangular-globose, angular, 1.0–1.5 cm in diameter, brown, densely covered with yellowish-brown pubescence.
Phenology: Flowering period: February to April; fruiting period: September to November.
Distribution and Habitat: This species distributes in Tian'e County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and Luodian County, Guizhou Province. It grows in the understory of evergreen broad-leaved forest on limestone mountains at elevations of 350–450 m.
Note:C. tianeensis should be recognized as a distinct species. It differed from C. huana primarily in the flowering period from February to April (vs. mid-October to December),and the color of annual branch ranged from light red to burgundy(vs. grey),and its fruit was oblate triangular spherical-shape with pericarp of 1-3 mm thick(vs. fruit oblate spherical-shape with pericarp of 9-11 mm thick) .
» Distribution
This species distributes in Tian'e County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and Luodian County, Guizhou Province. It grows in the understory of evergreen broad-leaved forest on limestone mountains at elevations of 350–450 m.
» Description
天峨金花茶 Camellia tianeensis S. Y. Liang & Y. T. Luo. Guangxi Forestry Science,02: 83,1995. 江国彬, 李鹤, 杨焱冰, 徐超然, 郭忠选, 邓伦秀. 贵州金花茶(山茶科)分类订正[J]. 植物研究, 2024, 44(6): 901-913.
模式 TYPE.—— 中国: Guangxi(广西): Tian’e County(天峨县),alt. 350-450 m,1992年3月14日,Liang Sheng-Ye(梁盛业) 9203014(holotype: SYS 00081437 image!;等模式 isotype: SYS 00093187,SYS 00092023); 同地,19 February 1991,Luo Yun-Ting(罗云廷) 9107019(paratype: GXFI) ; 同地,1991年7月16日,Luo Yun-Ting(罗云廷) 9107016(paratype: GXFI); 同地,1977年7月14日,Tian’e Investigation Team(天峨调查队)4-6-283(paratype: GXMI 050196 image!) .
常绿灌木,高1.5~2.0 m,树皮灰褐色;当年生 枝淡红色或紫红色,老枝灰褐色或黄褐色。叶:互生,近革质,嫩叶紫红色或淡红色,后渐变绿色,椭圆形,长6.5~13.5(16.5)cm,宽3.5~6.5(8.5)cm,先 端急尖或渐尖,基部楔形或阔楔形,边缘具牙齿状 细锯齿,叶面深绿色,发亮,干后黄绿色,叶背浅绿 色,干后灰绿色,两面无毛;侧脉6~7对,与中脉在 叶面微下陷,在叶背明显突起,网脉在叶面不明 显,在叶背明显突起;叶柄长1.0~1.8 cm,绿色,无 毛。花:常单生于叶腋或枝顶,花蕾期表面呈紫红 色或淡红色,开放后呈淡黄色或黄白色,直径4.5~ 5.0 cm,花梗长5~8 mm;苞片细小,5~6片,半圆形, 长2~3 mm,绿色,外面无毛,内面被灰白色短柔毛, 宿存;萼片5片,近圆形,长5~7 mm,宽5~8 mm, 绿色,外面无毛,内面被灰白色短柔毛,宿存;花瓣 7~12片,外轮花瓣较短小,近圆形,长1.1~1.5 cm, 宽1.0~1.3 cm,外面无毛,内面被微柔毛;内轮花瓣 较宽长,椭圆形,先端圆形,长1.8~2.5 cm,宽1.5~ 2.0 cm,无毛;雄蕊多数,约170~245枚,成4~5轮排 列;花丝白色,长1.0~1.6 cm,无毛,外轮花丝基部 与花瓣基部连生成一短管,管长5~8 mm;内轮花 丝基部离生,长1.1~1.8 cm;花药黄色,椭圆形; 子房近球形,直径3 mm,无毛;花柱3,白色,完全分离,长2.0~2.1 cm,无毛。果:朔果,扁三角状球 形,直径2.5~4.1 cm,无毛,绿色,顶端微凹,基部具 宿存苞片与萼片,通常3室,3瓣裂开,果皮薄,厚 1~3 mm。种子:每室1~2粒,近球形、半球形或三 角状球形,有棱角,直径1.0~1.5 cm,褐色,密被黄 褐色柔毛。
分布与生境:广西壮族自治区天峨县和贵州省罗甸县;生长于海拔350~450 m的石灰岩山常绿阔叶林下。
查阅的其他标本:中国,广西天峨县八腊公社 八腊大队,1977年7月14日,天峨调查队4-6-283(GXMI 050196);广西天峨县下老公社豪明大队, 天峨队499(GXMI 050195);贵州罗甸县田坝村, 1959年4月5日、6日,黔南队170(HGAS 015152, PE 00628090,PE 00628091)、黔南队 287(PE 02222504,PE 00628088,PE 00628089);同地 , 1995年12月14日,杨成华2887、2874(SYS,GF); 同地,2004年10月14日,杨成华4406(GF);同地,2004年10月17日,杨成华4410(GF);同地2019年12月23日,杨成华6787(GF,IBK);广西壮族自治区天峨县坡结乡,2017年12月29日,李鹤 613(GF)。
重要区别特征:天峨金花茶 (C. tianeensis) 应恢复成一个独立的物种, 其与贵州金花茶的区别主要在于, 该种花期 2—4月 (vs. 10月中旬—12月), 当年生枝淡红至紫红色 (vs. 灰白色), 果实扁三角状球形, 果皮厚 1~3 mm (vs. 果实扁球形, 果皮厚 9~11 mm)。
» Distribution
广西区天峨县和贵州省罗甸县;生长于海拔350~450 m的石灰岩山常绿阔叶林下。
Species in the Same Section: 中东金花茶 Camellia achrysantha H.T.Chang et S.Y .Liang、五室金花茶 Camellia aurea Hung T.Chang、厚叶金花茶 Camellia crassiphylla Ninh et Hakoda、菊芳金花茶 Camellia cucphuongensis Ninh & Rosmann、云南金花茶 Camellia fascicularis Hung T.Chang、黄花茶 Camellia flava (Pit.) Sealy、淡黄金花茶 Camellia flavida、弄岗金花茶 Camellia grandis (C.F.Liang & S.L.Mo) Hung T.Chang & S.Ye Liang 、贵州金花茶 Camellia huana T.L.Ming & W.J.Zhang、胡龙金花茶 Camellia huulungensis Rosmann & Ninh、凹脉金花茶 Camellia impressinervis Hung T.Chang & S.Ye Liang、薄瓣金花茶 Camellia leptopetala Chang & S.Y.Liang、柠檬黄金花茶 Camellia limonia C.F.Liang & S.L.Mo、陇瑞金花茶 Camellia longruiensis S. Y. Liang et X. J. Dong、龙州金花茶 Camellia longzhouensis J.Y.Luo、小花金花茶 Camellia micrantha S.Ye Liang & Y.C.Zhong、多瓣金花茶 Camellia multipetala S.Ye Liang & C.Z.Deng、防城金花茶 Camellia nitidissima C. W. Chi、小果金花茶 Camellia chrysantha (Hu)Tuyama var. microcarpa S. L. Mo et S. Z. Huang、小瓣金花茶 Camellia parvipetala、平果金花茶 Camellia pingguoensis D.Fang、顶生金花茶 Camellia pingguoensis var. terminalis (J.Y.Liang & Z.M.Su) T.L.Ming & W.J.Zhang、毛籽金花茶 Camellia ptilosperma S.Yun Liang & Q.D.Chen、毛瓣金花茶 Camellia pubipetala Y.Wan & S.Z.Huang、罗斯曼金花茶 Camellia rosmannii Ninh、三岛金花茶 Camellia tamdaoensis Hakoda et Ninh 、东兴金花茶 Camellia tunghinensis Hung T.Chang、夏石金花茶 Camellia xiashiensis S.Yun Liang & C.Z.Deng、中越山茶 Camellia indochinensis Merr.、德保金花茶 Camellia debaoensis R.C.Hu & Y.Q.Liufu、富宁金花茶 Camellia mingii S.X.Yang、四季花金花茶 Camellia perpetua S. Y. Liang et L. D. Huang、潘氏金花茶 Camellia phanii Hakoda & Ninh、越南小花金花茶 Camellia minima Orel & Curry、红顶金花茶 Camellia insularis Orel & Curry、多毛金花茶 Camellia hirsuta Hakoda & Ninh、箱田金花茶 Camellia hakodae Ninh, Tr.、武鸣金花茶 Camellia wumingensis S.Ye Liang & C.R.Fu ex Hai L.Chen、隆安金花茶 Camellia rostrata S.X.Yang & S.F.Chai、奥康纳山茶 Camellia oconoriana Orel, Curry & Luu、国顺山茶 Camellia thuongiana V.D.Luong, A.Le & T.L.Nguyen、威尔克斯山茶 Camellia wilkesiana Orel & Curry、弄岗金花茶 Camellia longgangensis C.F.Liang & S.L.Mo、金花茶 Camellia chrysantha (Hu) Tuyama、崇左金花茶 Camellia chuongtsoensis S.Y. Liang et. L. D. Huang 、和平山茶 Camellia hoabinhensis V.D.Luong, Ninh & V.T.Pham、梁氏金花茶 Camellia luongii Ninh & Le、聪顺金花茶 Camellia thuanana T.T. Hoang、杜延光山茶 Camellia tuyenquangensis V.D.Luong, Le & Ninh、细毛茶 Camellia velutina V.T.Pham, V.D.Luong & Aver、婉丽金花茶 Camellia concinna Orel & Curry、毛花金花茶 Camellia piloflora S.X.Yang、先安金花茶 Camellia tienyenensis Orel & Curry、密毛金花茶 Camellia tomentosa Orel & Curry、伊丽莎白金花茶 Camellia elizabethae Orel & Curry、佛朗西斯茶 Camellia andrefrancisii Orel & Curry