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Home/ Species/ Camellia tienyenensis

先安金花茶 Camellia tienyenensis Orel & Curry

Last Updated:2025/2/23 10:09:46 By:wangzhonglang

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Conservation Status

Remarks:This name is accepted


Camellia tienyenensis Orel & Curry  Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 234 (2015) Accepted Name


» Description

Camellia tienyenensis Orel & Curry in Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 234-238 (2015). TYPE: Vietnam. Quang Ninh Prov.: unnamed coastal region, 2 Dec. 1999, G. Orel, A. S. Curry, A. Luc, R. Cherry, G. Richards, A. Raper & P. Cave Orel & Curry 991202 (holotype, NSW; isotypes, NSW). 

C. tienyenensis Orel & Curry possesses perulate, sessile, light yellow, slightly waxy, terminal and axillary flowers; petals (4-) 5-6, arranged in an eccentric spiral; sepals 2-3, glabrous, slightly woody, and basally joined for 2.5-3.0 mm to each other and to petals; filaments, not numerous, glabrous, free to the base, of variable length, flat at the base; styles 3, glabrous, free to the base; ovary cylindrical, 3-lobate, finely hairy; mature seed capsules rounded, oblate, partially hairy, with 3-4 lobes; mature seed laterally compressed and glabrous.

» Distribution

Vietnam. Quang Ninh Prov


» Description

先安金花茶 Camellia tienyenensis Orel & Curry in Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 234-238 (2015)

花无梗、浅黄色、稍腊质、顶生和腋生;花瓣(4-)5-6,排列成偏心螺旋形;萼片 2-3,无毛,稍木质,基部连接 2.5-3. 花丝,不多数,无毛,离生至基部,长短不一,基部平;花柱 3,无毛,离生至基部;子房圆筒形,3裂,有细毛;成熟种蒴果圆形,扁球形,部分有毛,有 3-4 个裂片;成熟种子侧面压扁,无毛。

» Distribution

