International Camellia Register
Home/ Species/ Camellia tomentosa

密毛金花茶 Camellia tomentosa Orel & Curry

Last Updated:2025/2/23 10:11:57 By:wangzhonglang


Conservation Status


This name is a synonym of Camellia pubipetala Y.Wan & S.Z.Huang


» Description

Camellia tomentosa Orel & Curry in Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 201-208 (2015). TYPE: P. R. China. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region; in the vicinity of the city of Guilin, 8 March 2005, G. Orel, A. S. Curry & G. Richards, Orel & Curry 2005-6 (holotype, NSW). 

C. tomentosa differs from other member species of section Chrysanthae Chang by possessing densely hairy leaf parts, juvenile shoots, branches and petals; flowers pedunculate, pendulous, perulate, campanulate or semicampanulate, terminal and axillary, mostly single, sometimes geminate; bracteoles 6-8, undifferentiated; sepaloids 3, petaloids 3; petals 10-11 in 3 whorls; outer filaments thin, inner filaments laterally compressed at the base; styles 3, basally joined, sparsely hairy, yellowish-green; ovary rotund, 3-lobed and hairy.

This name is a synonym of Camellia pubipetala Y.Wan & S.Z.Huang

» Distribution

CHINA: Guangxi

» Description

密毛金花茶 Orel & Curry in Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 201-208 (2015)。模式标本产自广西桂林, 与 金花茶组(sect. Chrysanthae 其他种不同,叶片、幼芽、枝条和花瓣上有密毛;花有花序梗、下垂、有孔、钟状或半钟状、顶生和腋生,多数为单瓣,有时为宝石形; 小苞片 6-8,无差别;萼片 3,花瓣 3;花瓣 10-11 片,3 轮;外花丝细,内花丝在基部侧面压扁;花柱 3,基部连接,疏生毛,黄绿色;子房圆形,3 裂,有毛。

» Distribution

