International Camellia Register
Home/ Species/ Camellia wilkesiana

威尔克斯山茶 Camellia wilkesiana Orel & Curry

Last Updated:2025/2/24 9:54:23 By:wangzhonglang

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Conservation Status

Remarks:This name is accepted


Camellia wilkesiana Orel & Curry  Camellia: Work in Progress,193-202 (2019) Accepted Name


» Description

Camellia wilkesiana Orel &Curry. Section: Chrysanthae, Camellia: Work in Progress,193 (2019), TYPE: Vietnam. Lam Dong Province: on the foot hills of the Da Lat Plateau, headwaters of the dong Nai River, 20/01/2004, G. Orel, A. S. Curry, G.Richards & G. Wilkes, Orel& Curry VN 17-1-04GW (Holotype, NSW)

C. wilkesiana possesses the following morphological characters: mature leaves narrow elliptic to elliptic oval, 12.0-13.0 cm long; bracts 8-10 (-11), glabrous; flowers deep-yellow, single or geminate, axillary and terminal, 4.0-5.0 (-5.5) cm diam., bracts 8-10 (-11), overlapping, shiny and glabrous; sepals 5-6, inner surfaces glabrous outer surfaces tomentose, persistent after anthesis; petaloids 4-5, basally attached to outer petals, partially persistent after anthesis; petals 7- 9 (-10), in 2 or 3 whorls, ovate to elliptic to oblong, overlapping, basally joined for 4.0-5.0 mm; filaments 2.0-2.5 cm long, numerous, basally fused for 1.0-1.2 mm, joined to inner petals, glabrous; anthers oblong, falcate, basifixed; styles 3-4, free to the base, glabrous; stigma small, disc like; ovary rotund to conical, glabrous, without striations.


» Distribution

Vietnam. Lam Dong Province


» Description

威尔克斯山茶 Camellia wilkesiana Orel &Curry 组:金花茶组:Chrysanthae山茶:工作进展, 193 (2019). 越南林同省大叻高原山麓同奈河源头, 20/01/2004, G. Orel, A. S. Curry, G.Richards & G. Wilkes, Orel& Curry VN 17-1-04GW (主模式, NSW)

成熟叶狭椭圆形至椭圆形卵圆形,长12.0-13.0厘米;苞片8-10(-11),无毛;花深黄色,单瓣或宝石色,腋生和顶生,直径4.0-5.0(-5.5)厘米、 苞片8-10(-11),重叠,发亮无毛;萼片5-6,内面无毛外面被绒毛,花后宿存;花瓣4-5,基部着生于外花瓣,花后部分宿存;花瓣7-9(-10),2或3轮,卵形至椭圆形至长圆形,重叠,基部连接4. 花丝长 2.0-2.5 厘米,多数,基部愈合达 1.0-1.2 毫米,与内花瓣相连,无毛;花药长圆形,镰刀形,基着;花柱 3-4,离生至基部,无毛;柱头小,圆盘状;子房圆形至圆锥形,无毛,无条纹。

» Distribution

