Conservation Status:
Remarks:This name is accepted
Camellia yuhsienensis Hu Acta Phytotax. Sin. 10: 139 (1965) Accepted Name [PDF]
攸县油茶 胡先骕. 1965. 中国山茶属和连蕊茶属新种与新变种(一). 植物分类学报.10:139 Chinese Name
» Description
Gao Jiyin, Clifford R. Parks, Du Yueqiang, 2005, Collected Species of the Genus Camellia an Illustrated Outline,p.195-196. Flowers are white, very fragrant, 6.5-9.5 cm in diameter, borne at the tips of twigs and in leaf axils; bud set may be abundant. Perules 8-11, drop as the corolla expands, outside tip villous, inside glabrous. Petals 7-11, 3.5-5.3 cm long and 2.9-3.9 cm wide, obovate to obcordate, cleft at the tip from 7-12 mm, free or fused to the androecial column 0.5-2 mm from the base. Androecium 1.2-1.7 cm long, the column has the appearance of a five-pointed androecial cup, 50-70 stamens. Gynoecium 6-7 mm long, 3 styles, 25%-80% fused from the base, ovary tomentose. Blooming season: early winter to spring. Capsules ovoid, 1.8-2.4 cm long, 1.6-2.4 cm in diameter, by maturity the original hairy surface mostly replaced by scurfy corky material, green to tan in color, 3-4 locules with several seeds per fruit, pericarp wall very thin. Seed oil content ranges from 38.31%-44.48%. In cultivation about 300 kgs of oil per hectare can be obtained. Leaves hang downward, ovate to broadly elliptic, tip acute or acuminate, base usually rounded, rarely cuneate, occasionally slightly cordate, 5.4-11.5 cm long, 2.5-5.7 cm wide, margin serrulate, upper surface with midvein puberulent or glabrous, reticulate with veins impressed, lower surface with midvein weakly villous or glabrous, veins raised, reddish cork-warts on the underside. Petioles 8-11 mm in length, weakly puberulent or glabrous above, sparsely villous or glabrous below. Shrub or small tree up to 3 m tall, young shoots glabrous or sparsely villous, bark smooth and rust-gray in color. Distribution: Mountains and lower hills of Youxian, Anren, Guiyang, Chenzhou, Hengyang and Xiangtan in Hunan Province; Lichuan in Jiangxi Province; Yichang, Enshi, and Laifeng in Hubei Province; and Lechang in Guangdong Province; Elevation: 100-1,300 m; Specific locality: Shangyunqiao village, Jiangnan Township, Youxian County,Hunan Province, China.
» Distribution
» Description
高继银、帕克斯、杜跃强,2005. 《山茶属植物主要原种彩色图集》浙江科学技术出版社,第195-196页。花白色,很芳香,花径6.5~9.5厘米,顶生或腋生,花芽多。鱗片8~11枚,随开花逐渐脱落,外面先端被长柔毛,里面无毛。花瓣7~11枚,长3.5~5.3厘米,宽2.9~3.9厘米,倒卵形至倒心形,先端有7~12毫米凹□,基部离生或与雄蕊柱连生0.5~2.0毫米。雄蕊长1.2~1.7厘米,排列呈五角杯状,50~70枚。雌蕊长6~7毫米,花柱3裂,基部25%~80%连合,子房被绒毛。花期冬初至春季。蒴果卵圆形,长1.8~2.4厘米,直径1.6~2.4厘米,成熟前绒毛大部分脱落,表面呈糠秕状,绿色至棕黄色,3~4室,每室有几粒种子,果皮很薄。种子含油量38.31 %~44.48%。栽培条件下,每公顷攸县油茶林产油量可达300千克。叶片略下垂,卵圆形到阔椭圆形,先端急尖或渐尖,基部通常为圆形,偶见心形,长5.4~11.5厘米,宽2.5~5.7厘米。叶缘具齿,叶面中脉被绒毛或无毛,脉纹凹陷呈网状,叶背中豚略被毛或无毛,脉纹突起,具泛红色腺点。叶柄长8~11毫米,略带柔毛或无毛。灌木或小乔木,高可达3米,嫩枝无毛或被稀疏柔毛,树皮光滑,暗灰色。分布:湖南省攸县、安仁、桂阳、郴州、衡阳、湘潭, 江西黎川,湖北省恩施、来风、宜昌,广东省乐昌、陕西 省汉中和安康等地的山地或低丘有自然分布,海拔100-1300米。可寻地点:湖南省攸县江南乡上云桥村。
» Distribution
Species in the Same Section: 高州油茶 Camellia gauchowensis Hung T.Chang、油茶 Camellia oleifera C.Abel、茶梅 Camellia sasanqua Thunb.、越南油茶 Camellia vietnamensis T. C. Huang ex Hu