International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Baiying


Last Updated:2024/11/21 13:06:53 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2018

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia sasanqua ‘Baiying’

Chinese Name:白莺

Japanese Name



» English Description

Baiying (C.  sasanqua). China Regn. #2018-239. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2018, No.6, p.52. Named by Shen Yunguang, it was cultivated and registered by the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.It was bred from the seedlings of natural hybrid seeds of Camellia sasanqua, sown in 2007, and flowered for the first time in 2014, with a semi-open plant shape. Leaves elliptic to ovate, glabrous on both sides, apex obtuse and bent downward on the dorsal surface of the leaf, base cuneate  to rounded, margins coarsely serrate; dark green, 3.8-6 cm long and 2.3-3 cm wide. There is a small amount of villi on the dorsal midrib of the young leaves, and the young shoots are hairy. Flowers white, 3-4.2 cm in diameter, single-petaled. Petals 7-9, narrowly obovate, slightly concave at the apex. stamens  numerous,filaments  connate at the base, ovary hairy, stigma mostly 3 shallowly lobed. It can bear fruit, the fruit is spherical. Flowering period is from September to October.

» Chinese Description

白莺Camellia sasanqua ‘Baiying’ 中国登录号:2018-239,《中国花卉园艺》2018年第652页。由沈云光命名,中国科学院昆明植物研究所培育并登录。该品种是从茶梅自然杂交种子实生苗中选育,2007年播种,2014年首次开花,株形半开张。叶椭圆形至卵圆形,两面无毛,先端钝尖并向叶背下弯,基部楔形至圆形,叶缘具粗锯齿。叶深绿色,长3.8-6cm,宽2.3-3cm。嫩叶背面中脉上有少量绒毛,嫩枝有毛。花白色,直径3-4.2cm,单瓣。花瓣7-9枚,窄倒卵形,先端微凹。雄蕊多数,花丝基部合生(茶梅型),子房有毛,柱头大多数3浅裂。能结实,果球形,花期9-10月。


Flower Size3-4.2 cm

Blooming Season9-10 Month China

