Year Published/Registered:2019
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica ‘Bayu Zhongsheng‘
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:巴渝钟声
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Bayu Zhongsheng (C. japonica). China Regn. #2019-261. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2019, No.8, p.57. Originated and registered by Tan Chongping of Nanshan Botanical Garden, Chongqing. Chance seedlings of 'Shiliu Cha'. Flower buds oblong, up to 7cm long. Flowers deep red, shiny, waxy, single form like a long trumpet up to 8.0cm long, diameter 8.0cm. Petals 5 to 6 with slightly concave apex. The base of the stamens contiguous and cylindrical, with 50 to 60 filaments of varying lengths. Leaves green, flat, elliptic 7.0-9.0cm long and 4.0-5.0cm wide. Plant open, branches and leaves sparse, internodes long, and growth vigorous. Flowering from February to March.
» Chinese Description
巴渝钟声Camellia japonica ‘Bayu Zhongsheng’. 中国茶花登录号:2019-261。《中国花卉园艺》2019年第8期57页。由重庆市南山植物园管理处谭崇平培育并登录。该品种是 ‘石榴茶’(C. japonica 'Shiliu Cha')的机遇实生苗中选育。花蕾长椭圆形,最长可达7cm。花大红色,具光泽,有蜡质感,单瓣型,花冠基部长筒状,花冠喇叭状,达8.0cm,花径8.0cm,瓣5~6枚,呈1轮排列,先端略凹陷。雄蕊基部连生呈筒状,花丝5 0~6 0枚,长短不一。叶片绿色,平展,椭圆形,长7.0~9.0cm,宽4.0~5.0cm。植株开张,枝叶稀疏,节间长,生长旺盛。花期2~3月份。
Flower Form:Single / Campanulate
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Red
Flower Size: 8-8 cm
Blooming Season: 2-3 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Bayu Tezao、Bayu Xiangyun