Country:United States
Year Published/Registered:1985
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Buttons'n Bows'
Species/Combination:C. williamsii
Chinese Name:彩虹勋章
Japanese Name:
Buttons and Bows SCCS Bulletin, vol.11, No.6, June 1950, p.9: “At the SCCS Directors meeting a request was received to withdraw the registration of ‘Buttons and Bows’ to permit its registration by the new owner under a different name. In 1985 Nuccio’s released a different cultivar under the name Buttons’n Bows.
Buttons and Bows Valdosta Nurseries 1986, ACS, The Camellia Journal, vol.41, No.4, p.9. Orthographic error for Buttons’n Bows.
Caise Niukou (Coloured Buttons) Gao, Jiyin, Ltr, 22nd August, 1994. Chinese synonym for the USA C.x williamsii Buttons’n Bows.
Niukoujie Gao, Jiyin, 2007, The Identification....Outstanding Camellias, p.416; Chinese synonym for the USA C.x williamsii Buttons’n Bows.
彩虹勋章 朱国栋,2007,风城茶花图集,p.61.
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» English Description
» Chinese Description
彩虹勳章,Buttons'n Bows(C. williamsii),陈丽惠2013年《山茶花谱台湾情》第195页,粉红、完全重瓣、中輪、早~中花,1986年美國發表。
朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.38.
Buttons'n Bows 彩虹勋章 (C.x williamsii) 威廉斯茶。1985,美国加州 Altadena,Nuccio 种苗园。6年生苗,初花1981年。完全形、淡粉色、瓣端颜色较浓、花心泛淡金黄色,中轮(8x 3cm)、花期12~2月、树性浓密、矮灌木丛状,长势中等。
Buttons'n Bows (彩虹勋章)一朱国栋,2007,风城茶花图集,p.61.
Buttons'n Bows (小蝴蝶结)一茶花林目录,1992-2006, p.4/28, No.506.
Buttons'n Bows (钮扣结)一高继银,2007,国内外茶花品种识别与欣赏,p.286.
Blttons Bows (巴藤柏斯)一新竹市茶花产销班目录,2002-2006, p.14, B15.拼音错误。
Flower Form:Formal / Imbricate
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 8-10 cm
Blooming Season: 12-2 Month United States
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Gay Buttons、White Buttons、White Buttons Red、Cutie Buttons