International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Catherine Cathcart

Catherine Cathcart

Last Updated:2019/4/10 9:11:17 By:wangzhonglang

Type Image

Chosen by wangzhonglang


CountryUnited States

Year Published/Registered1938

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Catherine Cathcart'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Catherine Catchart  Doty & Doerner Nursery Catalogue, ca.1950. Orthographic error for Catherine Cathcart.

Catherine Cathcart Variegated  SCCS., 1946, Camellias, P.18. Synonym for Catherine Cathcart.

Leila  Mcllhenny, 1934, List of Camellia Japonicas for Sale, p.5. Erroneously applied to Catherine Cathcart.

Lila  Doty & Doerner Nursery Catalogue, ca.1949. Synonym for Catherine Cathcart.

Lord Darby  Griffiths & Strother, 1954, ACS., Nomenclature Cross-reference List, pp.2, 7. Synonym for Catherine Cathcart.

2 show +


» English Description

Gerbing’s Azalea Gardens Catalogue, 1938-1939: Late flowering, full double pink, marbled with white. Round, light green foliage, slow growth. Early blooming. Synonyms: ‘Leila’, ‘Lord Darby’, ‘San Antonio’, ‘San Antonia’. Black and white photo, p.31, Hertrich, 1959, Camellias in the Huntington Gardens, vol.III. Coloured illustration Gerbing, 1945, Camellias, p.41. Originated at Magnolia Gardens, Charleston, South Georgia, USA. Ortho­graphic error: ‘Catherine Catchart’. Synonym: ‘Catherine Cathcart Variegated’.


Flower Size

Blooming Season United States