International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Chūbu-tamatebako


Last Updated:2022/8/29 7:57:19 By:Sueo Takano

Type Image

Chosen by Sueo Takano



Year Published/Registered1972

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Chūbu-tamatebako'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name:玉手箱(中部) たまてばこ(ちゅうぶ)

Meaning:Legendary jewel box


Tamatebako  Satō, 1975, Chūbu no Tsubaki, p.70. Synonym for Chūbu-tamatebako.


» English Description

Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.1, 1972, p.148, pl.337, description, p.341; Seibundō Shinkōsha, 1980, Senchinshū, p.96 & p.230: A large, white with rare slender crimson lines, globe shaped semi-double of about 18 petals in three layers, enclosing a somewhat irregular stamen cluster with white filaments. Flowers mid-season to late. Leaves, broad-ovate to broad-elliptic, thick with a short rounded apex, raised midrib and obscure venation. See Yokoyama & Kirino, 1989, Nihon no Chinka, p.385, colour photo. Originated in Chūbu District, Japan. Resembles Tamatebako which has pure white flowers without any crimson marks as Chūbu-tamatebako. Note: Satō, 1975, Chūbu no Tsubaki, erroneously lists this cultivar as ‘Tamatebako’ which is a different cultivar. The original tree was in the garden of the Nagoya Castle, Nagoya City as one of the three “Goten Tsubaki”, the castle camellias, with Daijōkan and Chūbu-Hakutsuru.

» Japanese Description

 講談社 1975年 《現代椿集》 P.327 保育社 .1974. 《つばき》安藤芳顕著 p.210. 文化出版局. 1975. 《現代椿名鑑》. P.166.      淡交社.1989. 《日本の椿花》..385    ガーデンラィフ編集部. 1980. 《原色日本の椿写真集千椿集》. 誠文堂新光社. 写/p.96、文/p.230.  誠文堂新光社.1998.《日本ツバキ.サザンカ名鑑》.p.161.  日本ツバキ協会. 2010. 《最新日本ツバキ図鑑》.  p.181. 愛知產. [花]白地に紅色の細い筋がわずかに入る、八重~宝珠咲き、中~大輪、2~4月。[葉]広楕円、中形、平坦。[樹]横張り性、強い。[来歴]古くから愛知県下にあったもので、1933年の「椿銘鑑」にはその名がある。写/桐野、文/中部椿生産部


Flower Size10-13 cm

Blooming Season Japan

