Year Published/Registered:2002
Cultivar Type:For Tea
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia sinensis 'Echa 6'
Species/Combination:C. sinensis
Chinese Name:鄂茶6号
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Echa 6. (C. sinensis). Yang Yajun and Liang Yuerong, 2014. Clone Cultivars of Tea in China. p.165. Originated from Hubei. Chen Liang et al. 2024. Records of Tea Cultivars and Resources of Chinese Tea resources (Volume I)-Registered Tea Cultivars. P.368-369. [Applicant] Hubei Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fruit Tree and Tea Research Institute. Breeder: Hubei Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fruit Tree and Tea Research Institute. Variety Number] Non-major crop variety registration number: GPD Tea Tree (2020) 420013. former Hubei Provincial Crop Variety Validation Committee Validation No.: E Validation Tea 002-2002. [Variety Source] Hubei Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fruit Tree and Tea Leaf Research Institute of the 'Fu'an No. 2' cross progeny from a single strain selection. [Characteristics]: Shrub type. Characteristics]: Shrub type, early species, strong growth potential, tree posture semi-open, medium leaf type, leaf length 8.0 cm, width 4.0 cm, leaf blade oval, leaf bearing state upward. In Wuhan area spring tea bud one leaf period in mid-March, the new buds and leaves light green, velvet special, buds fat, holding tenderness strong, a bud of three leaves 6.0 cm long, 100 buds weight 86.0 grams. Spring tea bud two leaves biochemical samples containing tea polyphenols 26.0%, amino acids 2.8%, caffeine 4.4%, water leachate 43.9%. Suitable for green tea. Baked green tea, the appearance of fat and tender green hair, soup color green and bright, aroma and fragrance, taste mellow and refreshing, the bottom of the leaf is green and bright. The first growth cycle mu yield of one bud and two leaves 166 kg of fresh leaves, 44% higher than the control 'Fuding big white tea'; the second growth cycle mu yield 228 kg, 6% higher than the control 'Fuding big white tea'. It is resistant to tea leafhopper, tea anthracnose, cold resistance and drought resistance. Suitable for planting area and cultivation technology points] Suitable for planting in Hubei tea area. It is recommended to plant with medium-growing varieties.
» Chinese Description
杨亚军、杨月荣主编,2014. 《中国无性系茶树品种志》上海科学技术出版社,第165页。【产地与分布】由湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所从福安2号自然杂交后代中采用单株育种法育成。湖北英山、咸宁等地有较大面积栽培,浙江、江苏、湖南、贵州、福建、河南等省有少量引种。2002年通过湖北省农作物品种审定委员会审定,编号鄂审茶002-2002【形态特征】 树姿半开张,分枝中等。叶片呈上斜状着生,长椭圆形,富有光泽,叶色绿,叶面隆起,叶身稍内折,叶尖渐尖,叶质柔软。10月下旬为盛花期,花量多,结实率较高。【特性】 春季萌发早,2010年和2011年在武汉市江夏区金水闸观测,一芽一叶开展期均在3月22日,但分别比福鼎大白茶早6天和10天。芽叶黄緑,富光泽,茸毛多,一芽二叶百芽重24.9g。2010年在武汉市江夏区金水闸取样,春茶一芽二叶干样含茶多酚17.8%、氨基酸2.7%、咖啡碱2.9%、水浸出物52.2%。制緑茶,品质优,产量中等,每667㎡产鲜叶175kg以上,5年生茶树产量与福鼎大白茶相当。移栽成活率高,抗逆性、适应性強。【适栽地区】湖北绿茶茶区。【栽培要点】按常规茶园栽培管理。
鄂茶6号 (Camellia sinensis ‘Echa 6’). 陈亮等. 2024.《中国茶树品种资源志(上卷)茶树登记品种》第368-369页.【申请者】湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所。【育种者】湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所。【品种编号】非主要农作物品种登记号:GPD茶树(2020)420013。原湖北省农作物品种审定委员会审定编号:鄂审茶002-2002。【品种来源】湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所从‘福安2号’杂交后代中单株选育而成。【特征特性】灌木型,早生种,生长势强,树姿半开张,中叶类,叶片长度8.0厘米、宽度4.0厘米,叶片椭圆形,叶片着生状态向上。在武汉地区春茶一芽一叶期在3月中旬,新梢芽叶淡绿,茸毛特多,芽头肥壮,持嫩性强,一芽三叶长6.0厘米、百芽重86.0克。春茶一芽二叶生化样含茶多酚26.0%,氨基酸2.8%,咖啡碱4.4%,水浸出物43.9%。适制绿茶。制烘青绿茶,外形肥嫩翠绿多毫,汤色嫩绿明亮,香气清香,滋味浓醇清爽,叶底嫩绿明亮。第一生长周期亩产一芽二叶鲜叶166千克,比对照‘福鼎大白茶’增产44%;第二生长周期亩产228千克,比对照‘福鼎大白茶’增产6%。中抗茶小绿叶蝉,中抗茶炭疽病,抗寒性较强,抗旱性强。【适宜种植区域及栽培技术要点】适宜在湖北茶区种植。建议与中生品种搭配种植。
Flower Form:
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Blooming Season: China
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Recommend Links: Echa 1、Echa 10、Echa 11、Echa 12、Echa 2、Echa 3、Echa 4、Echa 5、Echa 7、Echa 8