Year Published/Registered:2022
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia hiemalis ‘Fanghua’
Species/Combination:C. hiemalis
Chinese Name:芳华
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Fanghua(C. hiemalis). China Regn. #2022-351. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2022, No.4, p.47. It was bred and registered by Zong Kanghua of Jinhua Guanglin Seedling Co., Ltd. A sport of ‘Shishigashira (hiemalis)’, first observed in 2017. Flowers pink to pale pink-pink, occasionally pale red edges on the edges of petals, with light fragrance, semi-double petals, miniature to small flowers, flower diameter 5~7 cm, large petals 25~35, petals slightly wrinkled, stamens short, filigree nearly white, anthers yellow, occasionally strong. The leaves are thick green, thick leathery, small oval, about 5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, slightly folded, and the leaf margin is finely and bluntly. The plant is open, shrub-like, dwarf, and vigorously growing. Flowering takes place from mid-November to late March.
» Chinese Description
芳华(Camellia hiemalis ‘Fanghua’). 中国茶花注册号:2022-351.《中国花卉园艺》2022年第4期第48页。本品种系金华市广霖苗木有限公司的宗康华培育并登录。本品种系茶梅‘小玫瑰’之芽变,属冬茶梅品系,2017年首次观测到此突变,经分离繁殖和多年观察,性状已经稳定。花朵粉红色至淡粉粉红色,偶尔花瓣边缘出现淡淡的红边,具淡香,半重瓣型,微型至小型花,花径5~7 cm,大花瓣25~35枚,瓣缘略皱,雄蕊短,花丝近白色,花药黄色,偶尔可结实。叶片浓绿色,厚革质,小椭圆形,长约5 cm,宽约2.5 cm,稍中折,叶缘锯齿细而钝。植株开张,灌木状,矮性,长势旺盛。花期11月中旬至翌年3月下旬。
Flower Form:Semi-double / Standard
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 5-7 cm
Blooming Season: 11-3 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Dadong Fangliang、Fang 6