Year Published/Registered:1999
Cultivar Type:For Oil
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia oleifera 'Ganshi 84-3'
Species/Combination:C. oleifera
Chinese Name:赣石84-3
Japanese Name:
国S-SC-CO-023-2008 2008年通过国家良种审定的良种证号。
» English Description
Ganshi 84-3(Camellia oleifera). China Forestry Publishing House, 2016. Oil-tea Camellia Cultivars in China, p.212. Oil Tea Camellia Superior Germplasm Resources, 2008, editor in chief by Chen Yonzhong, p.65. Bred by Jiangxi Academy of Forestry in 1999. Plant vigorous, growth fast, foliage dense, crown rotund. Leaves elliptic, apex acuminate, margin serrate or crenate, 4.0-6.2 cm long, 2.5-3.5cm wide, glabrous. Flowering usually in late October to late December, white, diameter 5.0-7.0 cm, petals 5, obcordate. Fruit mature in late October, spherical, yellowish green or reddish green, diameter 27-32 mm, 30-58 among of fruit weighted 500g, loci 1-4. Average 42.5% seed weight in each fresh fruit. The average rate of oil reached 55.7% from dry kernel, 39%-42.5% from dry seeds, and 10.8% from fresh fruit. The average oil yield 913.5 kg/hm2.
Yao Xiaohua and Ren Huadong eds. 2020. Oil-tea Camellia Genetic Resource in China. p.485.【Resource number】360111_010_0095;Breeding resources (excellent variety);Oil cultivation, genetic breeding materials. Originated in Qingshan Lake District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province.【PLANT】upright. Young shoots have hairs. Leaf buds Jade white, have tomentose hairs.【LEAF】young leave green,old leaves deep green,long oval in shape. Leaf margins wavy,Leaf apex acuminate,Leaf base cuneate,6.7 cm long and 2.68cm wide.【FLOWER】Sepals have hairs,petal in white color,the length of pistil equal to the length of stamen,stigma Split 3. Ovaries have pubescent.【FRUIT】surface smooth,Ovoid,red in color;average weight 10.42g;Ratio of fresh seeds 41.14%;Testa color brown;Kernel oil content 41.1%.【FATTY ACID CONTENT】Oleic acid 80%,Linoleic acid 1.6%,Linolenic acid -%.,Stearic acid 2.3%,Palmitic acid 12.2%. Full blooming season Mid-November;Fruit harvest season Late October.
» Chinese Description
赣石84-3,陈永忠主编,2008年,《油茶优良种质资源》第 65 页。【培育单位】江西省林业科学院,【选育年份】1999。由江西省林业科学院于1999年在宜丰县石市乡选育出来的优良无性系。树冠自然圆头形;叶椭圆形,先端渐尖,边缘有细锯齿或钝齿,长4.0~6.2cm,宽2.5~3.5cm,叶面光滑;湖南通常于10月下旬至12月下旬开花,花白色,直径5.0~7.0cm,花瓣倒心形,5瓣;果实成熟期10月下旬,果卵球形,青黄或青红色,果径27~32mm,每500g果数30~58个,心室1~4个,鲜出籽率42.5%,干仁含油率55.7%,干籽含油率39%~42%,鲜果含油率10.8%,平均产油量达913.5 kg/hm2。
赣石84-3 Camellia oleifera ‘Ganshi 84-3’. 中国林业出版社, 2016. 《中国油茶品种志》,p.212。【审定编号】国S-SC-CO-023-2008【品种类别】无性系【选育地(包括区试点)】江西省林业科学院,湖南省林业科学院,广西壮族自治区林业科学院,江西省丰城市白土镇等【选育单位】江西省林业科学院【选育年份】2008年
姚小华、任华东主编,2020年《中国油茶遗传资源》第485页。【资源编号】360111_010_0095;选育资源(良种);油用栽培,遗传育种材料。产于江西省南昌市青山湖区。【植株】树姿直立.嫩枝有绒毛. 叶芽玉白色.有绒毛.【叶】嫩叶绿色,老叶深绿色,长椭圆形. 叶缘波状,先端渐尖,基部楔形,长6.7厘米,宽2.68厘米。【花】萼片有绒毛,花瓣白色,雌蕊与雄蕊相同高度,柱头中裂. 3裂. 子房有绒毛。【果】表面光滑,卵球形,红色;平均单果重10.42克;鲜出籽率41.14%;种皮棕褐色;种仁含油率41.1%。【脂肪酸含量】油酸80%,亚油酸1.6%,亚麻酸-%.,硬脂酸2.3%,棕榈酸12.2%。盛花期11月中旬;果熟期10月下旬。
Flower Form:
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Blooming Season: China
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