Year Published/Registered:1990
Cultivar Type:For Oil
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia oleifera 'Guiwu 3 '
Species/Combination:C. oleifera
Chinese Name:桂无3号
Japanese Name:
桂S-SC-CO-026-2004 2004年通过广西区良种审定。
国S-SC-CO-012-2005 2005年通过国家林业局良种审定。
» English Description
Guiwu 3(Camellia oleifera).Oil Tea Camellia Superior Germplasm Resources, 2008, editor in chief by Chen Yonzhong, p.39. China Forestry Publishing House, 2016. Oil-tea Camellia Cultivars in China, p.396. Bred by Guangxi Academy of Forestry in 1990, passed the identification in 2005 by National Registration, and listed as national excellent cultivar, the Certification Number: Guo S-SC-CO-012-2005. passed the identification in 2004 by Guangxi Academy of Forestry registration, and listed as national excellent cultivar, the Certification Number: Gui S-SC-CO-026-2004. Fruiting early, wide adaptability and strong resistance. Average oil yield 798.75 kg/hm2. The average rate of oil reached 10.97% from fruit, and 54.73% from the kernel. Average 51.0% seed weight in each fresh fruit, 28.5% seed weight in each dry seed.
» Chinese Description
桂无3号,陈永忠主编,2008年,《油茶优良种质资源》第 39 页。【培育单位】广西林业科学研究院,【选育年份】1990,【良种号】桂S-SC-CO-026-2004、国S-SC-CO-012-2005。由广西林业科学研究院于1990年选育出来的油茶优良无性系。早实、丰产、油质好、抗逆性强、适应性广。平均产油量798.75 kg/hm2,比参试无性系平均值增产159.07%;果油率10.97%,鲜出籽率51.0%,干出籽率28.5%,种仁含油率54.73%。
桂无3号 Camellia oleifera ‘Guiwu 3’. 中国林业出版社, 2016. 《中国油茶品种志》,p.396。【审定编号】国S-SC-CO-012-2005【品种类别】无性系【选育单位】广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院【选育过程】同桂无2号【选育年份】2005年。
Flower Form:
Flower Colour:
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Blooming Season: China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Guiwu 2 、Guiwu 5 、Guiwu 1 、Guiwu 4 、Hakurenge (3)、Hatsushimo (3)、Hatsuyuki (3)、Hijirimen (3)、Hiodoshi (3)、Koshimino (3)