Year Published/Registered:2004
Cultivar Type:For Oil
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia oleifera 'Guiwu 1 '
Species/Combination:C. oleifera
Chinese Name:桂无1号
Japanese Name:
桂S-SC-CO-024-2004 2004年通过广西区林木良种审定的证书号。
国S-SC-CO-003-2008 2008年通过国家良种审定的良种证号。
» English Description
Guiwu 1(Camellia oleifera).Oil Tea Camellia Superior Germplasm Resources, 2008, editor in chief by Chen Yonzhong, p.77. China Forestry Publishing House, 2016. Oil-tea Camellia Cultivars in China, p.402. Passed the identification in 2007 by Guangxi Academy of Forestry registration, and listed as national excellent cultivar, the Certification Number: Gui S-SC-CO-024-2004. Fruiting early, strong resistance and adaptability. Average oil yield 868.62 kg/hm2. Average 39.0% seed weight in each fresh fruit, 24% seed weight in each dry fruit. The average rate of oil reached 52.39% from the kernel.
» Chinese Description
桂无1号,陈永忠主编,2008年,《油茶优良种质资源》第 77 页。【审定年份】2004,【良种号】桂S-SC-CO-024-2004。早实、丰产、油质好、抗逆性强、适应性广。平均产油量为868.62kg/hm2,比参试无性系平均值增产181.79%,鲜出籽率39.0%,干出籽率24%,种仁含油率52.39%。
桂无1号 Camellia oleifera ‘Guiwu 1’. 中国林业出版社, 2016. 《中国油茶品种志》,p.402。【审定编号】国S-SC-CO-003-2008【品种类别】无性系【选育单位】广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院【选育过程】同桂无2号【选育年份】2008年
Flower Form:
Flower Colour:
Flower Size:
Blooming Season: China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Guiwu 2 、Guiwu 3 、Guiwu 5 、Guiwu 4 、Xiaoxiangzhenzhaoyang 1-1、Yunyang 1-1、Nochiseyama (1)、Robertsonii (1)、Usugumo (1)、Xianglin 1