International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Hongfurong


Last Updated:2022/9/3 10:27:53 By:wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1981

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Hongfurong'

Chinese Name:红芙蓉

Japanese Name



» English Description

Wang & Yü, 1981, Shanchahua: Large red, anemone form. See colour photo, [p.151], Chen, Shao Yun, 1985, Camellias in Zhejiang, p.66:Small arbor-shaped, 2 meters tall, with an open crown and irregular shape. The branches are soft and slightly drooping, and the branches of the year are sauce-colored. The leaves are loosely spaced and arranged alternately and pinnately. The leaves are long oval, 7-7.2 cm long and 2.8-3.1 cm wide, with green lack of luster, flat leaf surface, thick and shallow leaf margins, bulging main veins, and inconspicuous fine veins. The flowers are large in size, anemone form, single flower terminal, and more distributed inside the corolla. The flower color is pink, 8-11 cm in diameter, the petals are arranged in 3 rounds, about 20 pieces, irregular, slightly rolled back and notched at the tip, a little continuous at the base, thick, about 30 petaloids, 4-5 groups, connected at the base, a few stamens are scattered among the petals. Most of the stamens are petalized, and only a few remain; the pistils are degenerated and generally do not bear fruit. The flower buds are oval to rhombus, yellow-green to green. The sepals are only encased, the edges are smooth and slightly protruding, and are dark yellow and short hairy. Flowering from February to March. Common varieties, strong adaptability. Originated in China. sport:Huofurong.

» Chinese Description

红芙蓉 Camellia japonica ‘Hongfurong’。汪亦萍、俞仲辂,中国建筑工业出版社,1989《山茶花》第24页。性状类似白芙蓉,花纯红色。产于安徽。花期:2月下旬-4月上旬。芽变品种:火芙蓉。



Flower Size8-11 cm

Blooming Season2-4 Month China
