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Home/ Cultivars/ Pingzhi Zijinguan

Pingzhi Zijinguan

Last Updated:2022/8/3 14:41:32 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2011

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Pingzhi Zijinguan'

Chinese Name:平枝紫金冠

Japanese Name



» English Description

Zhou Li, 2011, Illustrated Handbook for Sichuan Camellias, p.230. Plant habit compact and vigorous. Branches most horizontal, young shoots thicker. Leaves dark green, elliptical to long-ellipse, with thinner texture but heavy, apex acute, base obtuse, measured 8 cm to 9 cm across by 3.5 cm to 4.5cm wide, serration sparse and short. Sepals relatively open. Flower, large, pure red to carmine with hair glossiness, petals in 3-4rows and 25-28, peony double, imbricated irregularly, diameter 10 cm to 12 cm wide, floral buds at mass. Stamens petaloids ingroup, loose, intercrossed with normal petals. Blooming January to April, at full blossom late February to early March.  Key points of identification: Plant habit is compact, large and brilliant red flower. Significant difference in plant habit from variety ‘Zijinguan’. Origin: Chongqing

» Chinese Description

周利主编、2011《川茶品种图鉴》 p.230. 植株紧凑,生长健壮。枝条多横生,小枝粗短较硬;叶深绿色,椭圆形或长椭圆形,叶质薄而硬,先端渐尖,基部楔形,叶长8cm-9cm,宽3.5cm-4.5cm,叶齿浅而稀;花萼较开张,花大红色偏深红色,具绒光,平瓣3轮-4轮,25枚-28枚,排列不整齐,雄蕊瓣化瓣成束,排列松散,与大花瓣混生,牡丹型,花朵稠密,花径10cm-12cm,花期1月-4月,盛花期于2月下旬至3月上旬。 植株紧凑,花大色艳,该品种树形与紫金冠有明旺差异。原始产地:重庆。


Flower Size10-12 cm

Blooming Season2-4 Month China

