International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Rōgetsu


Last Updated:2022/8/24 10:57:31 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1933

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Rōgetsu'

Chinese Name:腊月

Japanese Name:臘月 ろうげつ



Bonshiratama  Settsu Raikōyen Catalogue, 1938-1939. According to Satomi, 1956, Camellia Varieties of Japan it is a sport of Shiratama and has the synonyms: ‘Kakuba-shiratama’, ‘Seiganji’ and Rōgetsu. However Rōgetsu was listed earlier by Minagawa, 1933, Chinkashū and has priority as the valid name. This name is the local name for Rōgetsu in the Chūbu district. See: Tuyama, 1966, Camellia Cultivars of Japan, pp.88, 90.

Bonshiratima  McIlhenny Catalogue, 1941, p.3. Corruption for the Japanese name ‘Bonshiratama’, synonym for Rōgetsu.

Kaki-ha-shiratama  Fendig, 1953, American Camellia Catalogue. Corruption of Japanese name ‘Kakuba-shiratama’, synonym for Rōgetsu.

Kakuba-shiratama  Minagawa, 1933, Chinkashō.Different reading ‘Kakuha-shiratama’. Corruption: ‘Kaki-ha-shiratama’. Synonym for Rōgetsu.

Kakuha-shiratama  Satomi, 1956, Camellia Varieties in Japan, p.8.Different reading for ‘Kakuba­shiratama’, synonym for Rōgetsu.

5 show +


» English Description

Minagawa, 1933, Chinkashū: White. Early to mid-season blooming. Belongs to the Shiratama group. Tuyama, 1968, Camellias of Japan, pl.15, p.8, description, p.89: Leaves thick, deep green, roundish-elliptic, broadly ovate, shortly caudate, prominent vena­tion, sharply serrate. Flowers single, pure white, widely opening; petals 5-6, waved and reflexed at the margins, compact stamen column, joined for lower third; anthers yellow. A famous cultivar in the Kansai district of Japan. Very old trees are found around Ikeda City, Ōsaka Prefecture. Described as ‘Kakuba-shiratama’ by Minagawa, 1933; however Rōgetsu is an older name in the Kansai district. ‘Rō’ = waxing and ‘getsu’ = month, in this case December of the lunar calender, alluding to the early flowering of this cultivar. For colour photos & descriptions see: Tuyama, 1966, Camellia Cultivars of Japan, pl.49, p.90 & p.303; Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.I, 1972, pl.82, p.63; Seibundō Shinkōsha, 1980, Senchinshū, pp.163, 257; Andoh, 1971, Tsubaki, Meika no Shōkai to Saibai, pl.33, p.12 as ‘Rohgetsu’. Yokoyama & Kirino, 1989, Nihon no Chinka, pp.48, 49. Synonyms: ‘Bonshiratama’ in the Chūbu area and ‘Shi­rorōgetsu’, ‘Kakuba-shiratama’. Parent of: Shibori-rōgetsu, Aka-rōgetsu. SCCS., Camellia Nomenclature gives ‘Oborozuki’ and ‘Seiganji’ as synonyms. While ‘Oborozuki’ is a different reading of the characters for Rōgetsu, the first character ‘Rō’ = ‘oboro’ is different and trans­lates as ‘hazy’. Oborozuki means ‘Hazy Moon’ and is actually a different cultivar to Rōgetsu; both being listed separately by Satomi, 1956. It is also the name of an ancient variety listed in Sakuden’s Hyakuchinshū, 1630. Seiganji is also a different cultivar being a white with red spots, double camellia listed by Mizuno, 1681, Kadan Kōmoku. Corruption of the name: ‘Roget’s White’. Different reading: ‘Rohgetsu’, ‘Rowgetsu’.

» Chinese Description

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.228.

Rogetsu 腊月(December)(C. japonica)红山茶。1933,日本兵库县。单瓣、喇叭形、白色、花瓣5~6枚、筒蕊、中轮、花期12~2月、树性横张。别名:Bonshiratama (盆白玉)、Kakuba-shiratama (角叶白玉)、Shiro-rogetsu (白堪月)

» Japanese Description

講談社 1975年 《現代椿集》 P.303. 保育社 .1974. 《つばき》安藤芳顕著 .212. 文化出版局. 1975. 《現代椿名鑑》. P.242.    淡交社.1989. 《日本の椿花》..49.    ガーデンラィフ編集部. 1980. 《原色日本の椿写真集千椿集》. 誠文堂新光社. 写/p.163、文/p.257.    誠文堂新光社.1998.《日本ツバキ.サザンカ名鑑》.p.285.     日本ツバキ協会. 2010. 《最新日本ツバキ図鑑》. p.26. 兵庫產. [花]白、一重、筒~ラッパ咲き、筒しベ、中輪、1~3月。[葉]四角に近い中形。[樹]横張り性。[来歴]古くから関西で育てられてきた品種だが詳細不明、別名:角葉白玉、盆白玉。写/桐野、文/樽本


Flower Size8-10 cm

Blooming Season12-2 Month Japan

