International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Shunshokō


Last Updated:2022/9/12 16:54:07 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1932

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Shunshokō'

Chinese Name:春曙红

Japanese Name:春曙紅 しゆんしょこ

Meaning:Red dawn light in Spring


Haru-no-akebonobeni  Fendig, 1953, American Camellia Catalogue.Different reading for ‘Shunshokō’.

Haru-no-shokkō  Watanabe, 1960, Kyōto Engei Kurabu, Tsubaki Tokushū, No.1, p.53, as ‘Haru-no-syokko’.Different reading for Shunshokō.

Harushokkō  Tsubaki no Saibai, 1968.Different reading for Shunshokō.

Haru-shoko  Adachi, 1960, Camellia. Its Appreciation and Artistic Arrangement, pp.94, 179, 213 with colour plate.Different reading for Shunshokō.

New Dawn Light  Hertrich, 1959, Camellias in the Huntington Gardens, vol.III, p.226. Synonym for ‘Shinshioko’,Different reading for Shunshokō.

11 show +


» English Description

Minagawa, 1932, Chinkashū; Ishii, Yūgi, 1932, Genshoku Engei Shokubutsu Zufu; : A soft, rose-pink, with a yellowish cast at the centre, semi­double, opening cup-shaped; petals rounded, emarginate in 3-4 rows. Small, irregular stamen cluster with large, golden anthers and white filaments. Leaves dark green, apex blunt acute, margins strongly serrate. Flowers mid-season. Originated in Angyō, Saitama Prefecture, Japan, by Minagawa, Iza’emon from a seedling in 1907. For colour photos & descriptions see: Tuyama, 1966, Camellia Cultivars of Japan, pl.99, pp.168, 473; Tuyama, 1968, Camellias of Japan, pl.101, p.51; Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.I, 1972, pl.208 & p.321; Satō,1975, Chūbu no Tsubaki, p.89 as ‘Shunsyokō’. Yokoyama & Kirino, 1989, Nihon no Chinka, p.307. Seibundō Shinkōsha, 1980 Senchinshū, p.73, description, p.221 as ‘Shun-shokkō’. Different readings: ‘Shun-shokkō’, ‘Syun-shokkō’, ‘Shun-shokow’, ‘Shunshokoh’, ‘Shunsyokō’, ‘Shungyokō’, ‘Syunsyokkō’. Corruption of name: ‘Shuin-Shio-Ko’. Synonym: ‘Angels Blush’. Sport: Fuiri-shunshokō.

» Chinese Description

春曙红しゆんしょこ'Shunshokō'C. japonica),陈丽惠2013年《山茶花谱台湾情》第173页,【花】:淡粉、半重瓣、中輪、中生。【葉】橢圓、中型。立性、強健。1932 年安行的皆川「椿花集」記載。

» Japanese Description

 講談社 1975年 《現代椿集》 P.321. 保育社 .1974. 《つばき》安藤芳顕著 p.211. 文化出版局. 1975. 《現代椿名鑑》. P.137. 淡交社.1989. 《日本の椿花》..307.   ガーデンラィフ編集部. 1980. 《原色日本の椿写真集千椿集》. 誠文堂新光社. 写/p.73、文/p.221.  誠文堂新光社.1998.《日本ツバキ.サザンカ名鑑》.p.128.  【花】桃地に底白気味の八重、抱え咲き、筒〜割りしベ、中輪、 3〜4月。【葉】楕円、中形、平坦。【樹】立性、強い。【来歴】 安行の皆川「椿花集」(1932 •昭和7年版)に載る。


Flower Size8-10 cm

Blooming Season3-4 Month Japan

