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Home/ Cultivars/ Souza's Pavlova

Souza's Pavlova

Last Updated:2022/8/26 9:43:12 By:wangzhonglang


CountryNew Zealand

Year Published/Registered1988

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia 'Souza's Pavlova'

Chinese Name:松达斯

Japanese Name



Songdasi  Gao, Jiyin, 1993, The Observations from the Camellia World, No.501, p.64. Chinese synonym for the New Zealand C.hybrid Souza’s Pavlova.

香奴  茶花林目录,1992-2006, p.24/28, No.177.

苏紫司帕络巴  新竹市茶花产销斑目录,2002-2006, p.37, S29.

松达斯  高继银,2007,国内外茶花品种识别与欣赏,p.313.

巴甫洛娃  沈荫椿,2009,山茶,p. 171.


» English Description

New Zealand Camellia Bulletin, 1988, vol.XV, No.5, p.25, Reg. No.255: Originated by J.R. Finlay, Whangarei, New Zealand. A 10 year old seedling cross C.japonica Nioi-fubuki x C.hybrid Scentuous that first flowered 1984. Plant habit open and average in rate. Leaves dark green, averaging about 8 cm x 4.5 cm. The clear pink flowers are peony form with 16 petals and about 8 petaloids. A few stamens show white filaments and yellow anthers. Flowers measure 10 cm across x 4.5 cm deep. Blooms mid-season to late Flowers fragrant and fall in one piece.

» Chinese Description

高继银、苏玉华、胡羡聪,2007. 《国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏》,第313页。新西兰J.R.Finlay先生培育,系红山茶‘勾吹雪’(Nioi-fubuki)品种与杂交种‘甜香水’(Scentuous)授粉而得。花粉红色,具芳香,半重瓣型至牡丹型,中型花,花瓣16枚左右,近圆形,平铺,瓣面有清晰的深粉红脉纹,花心部位上的小花瓣与雄蕊混生,花丝白色,花朵稠密。叶片浓绿色,阔椭圆形,植株开张,生长中等。花期中至晚。

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.251. Souza's Pavlova 香奴(C. hybrid)山茶杂交种。1988,新西兰WhangareiJ.R. Finlay培育选出。Higo'Nioi-fubuki`(匂吹雪)x C. hybrid 'Scentuous'(甜香水)。10年实生苗,初花1984年。牡丹形、亮丽粉、中轮(10 x 4.5cm)、黄花药、白花丝、花期13月、芳香、树性横张、长 势中等。花名:苏萨的奶油蛋糕(帕芙洛娃)。

Souza's Pavlova (香奴)一茶花林目录,1992-2006, p.24/28, No.177.

Souza`s Pavlova (苏紫司帕络巴)一新竹市茶花产销斑目录,2002-2006, p.37, S29.

Souza's Pavlova (松达斯)一高继银,2007,国内外茶花品种识别与欣赏,p.313.

Souza's Pavlova (巴甫洛娃)一沈荫椿,2009,山茶,p. 171.


Flower Size8-10 cm

Blooming Season1-3 Month New Zealand

