Year Published/Registered:2001
Cultivar Type:For Tea
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia lasiocalyx 'TRFK 301/4'
Species/Combination:C. lasiocalyx
Chinese Name:肯尼亚301/4
Japanese Name:
» English Description
TRFK 301/4. (C. lasiocalyx). Chen L. et al. 2012.
Global Tea Breeding: Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives. Zhejiang
University Press- Springer, p. 189-193. Originated from Reunion. Published at Tea 22(1),
2001, 6-7 by Tea Research Foundation of Kenya (TRFK) in 2001. [Characteristics]Yield and cup quality comparable to TRFK 31/8 and TRFK 6/8,
respectively. Yielding 4864 kg dry
tea per ha per year. [Resistance to pest diseases] Susceptible to root knot nematodes. [Adaptability] Average.
Flower Form:
Flower Colour:
Flower Size:
Blooming Season: Kenya
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: TRFK 301/5、TRFK 11/4、Zhenshanzhaoyang 4-4、TRFK 306、Hiodoshi (4)、Murasame (4)、Nankin (4)、Ominaeshi (4)、Sekimori (4)、Shiogama (4)