International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Tumida


Last Updated:2021/4/3 13:08:04 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1843

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Tumida'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Carsvelliana Alba  Franchetti, 1855, Collezione di Camelie. Orthographic variant for ‘Carswelliana Alba’, synonym for Tumida.

Carswelliana Alba  Jacob Makoy Nursery Catalogue, 1842, p.9. No description. van Houtte, 1843­-1844, Catalogue, 12:ee as ‘Tumida’ syn. ‘Carswelliana Alba’. In his 1846-1847 Catalogue he reversed this making ‘Tumida’ the synonym.Auguste van Geert Nursery Catalogue, No.117, 1850, p.7: Medium sized flower, rounded petals, completely imbricated, pure white streaked with carmine. Rounded foliage. Verschaffelt, 1849, Nouvelle Iconographie, Book II, notes that ‘Car­swelliana Alba’ is known under the name ‘Tumida’ while von Biedenfeld, 1856, gives them as alternative names. However, under the rules of priority, Tumida is the valid name.

Fortuita  van Houtte Catalogue,1851-1852, 44:5, erroneously as synonym for Tumida.

Tumidia  Hazlewood & Jessep, 1972, Checklist - Camellia Cultivars from Nursery Catalogues, Ortho­graphic error for Tumida.


» English Description

van Houtte Catalogue, 1843-1844, 12:eee: Medium size flower with round petals, imbricated up to the centre, soft white with bluish tinge. The leaves are round and very distinguished. Van Houtte Catalogue, 1844-1845, 18:20: Pure white, streaked with carmine. Verschaffelt, 1848, Nouvelle Iconographie, Book II, pl.II as ‘Carswelliana Alba’: Received from Mr Gruneberg of Frankfort, Germany, 5 or 6 years ago. The shrub grows sturdily, the branches being covered with numerous leaves 9-10 cm long and 7-8 cm wide, rounded-oval, thick, deep green fully serrate with smooth veining. The bloom is 9 cm across, white, but distinctly shaded and striated a bright, or some times a delicate pink. The abundant petals, regularly imbricated, rounded or slightly emarginate at the vertex, diminish in size towards the centre. This camellia is also known as ‘Tumidia’. Synonyms: ‘Fortuita’, ‘Carswelliana Alba’.


Flower Size

Blooming Season Germany

