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Home/ Cultivars/ Zhuapolian


Last Updated:2022/8/29 16:10:38 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1981

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Zhuapolian'

Chinese Name:抓破脸

Japanese Name

Meaning:Scratched Face


Baijiaxian  Chang, Shao Yun, 1987, Camellias from Zhejiang, p.94. Synonym for Guaxian.

Guaxian  (Hanging Thread), Chang, Shao Yun, 1987, Camellias from Zhejiang, p.94, colour photo [p.121]: Medium size, white, formal double, sometimes loosely imbricated, marked with an occasional red tick on the petals; 6-7 rows of rounded, emarginate, somewhat wavy petals. Synonym for Zhuapolian.

Scratched Face  Savige, 1984, International Camellia Journal, No.16, p.33. Synonym for Zhuapolian.

挂线  陈绍云等,1985《浙江山茶花》84页。

白加线  陈绍云等,1985《浙江山茶花》84页。浙江金华和宁波别名。

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» English Description

Wang & Yü, 1981, Shancha Hua: A large, loosely imbri­cated, formal double, white with a rare, fine red line. Originated in China. Synonyms: ‘Guaxian’, ‘Baijiaxin’.

Zhuapolian. (Camellia japonica)  Synonym: Camellia japonica ‘zhuapo meirenlian’,  Originate: Chongqing  Characteristics: Plant habit vigorous, with open crown and rapid growth in branches o f great branching angle, most shoots outward extending horizontally. Leaves ovate elliptic or obovate, apex apiculate to acuminate, base broad cuneate. Leaves, flat, glossy, venation obvious and protrude, serrate shallow and sparse, measured 7.5 cm to 9.5 cm across by 4 cm to 5.5 cmwide. Calyxes opening, bracts burned brown. Petals flat, about 55 segments, imbricated in several rows. Petaloids by almost stamens. Flowers, white with red spots and stripes, as a beautiful face scratched and showed by blooded lines, diameter 7 cm to 8.5 cm. Florescence February to April, with fully blooming in March. Flowers proferous, imbricated in group, some half opening, formal double form, strong resistance.  Key points of identification: Leaves rounded elliptic or obovate, obviously veined. Flowers dense, white petals with red blotches and red stripes.

» Chinese Description

抓破脸 Camellia japonica ‘Zhapolian’。汪亦萍、俞仲辂,中国建筑工业出版社,1989《山茶花》第48页。全文瓣型,性状同白嫦娥彩,唯有的花瓣上挂一条细红条纹,似白脸被抓破出血状,故名抓破脸。异名有挂线,白加线等。花期:2-3月。以上六个品种为嫦娥彩品系,有的地区统称为大五宝,上海称软枝十八。叶形极难区别,腋芽黄绿色者为白色品种,红色者为粉红或红色品种。

周利主编、2011《川茶品种图鉴》 p.224。树势强健,树冠开张,成枝力强,节间较长,分枝角度大,枝多向外平伸;叶卵状椭圆形,或倒卵形,先端短尖或渐尖,基部宽楔形,叶面平展,有光泽,叶脉明显凸出,叶齿、浅稀,叶长7.5cm-9.5cm,宽4cm-5.5cm,枝叶茂密;花萼开张,苞片有铁锈色,平瓣花多轮,约55枚,雄蕊完全退化,花瓣平展,花白色,花瓣上有红色斑点和红色条块,好似美人脸被抓破而浸血状,故此得名,花径7cm-8.5cm,花期2月-4月,盛花期3月,花朵稠密,呈簇生状,部分花朵不完全开放,完全重瓣。原始产地:重庆。

高继银、苏玉华、胡羡聪,2007. 《国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏》,第49页。我国华东一带和四川省以及重庆市也有栽培。花白色,有零星的红色条纹或斑块,完全重瓣型,中型花,花瓣宽圆形,覆瓦状层叠排列,中部小花瓣半直立,略内扣,花朵稠密。叶片浓绿色,阔卵圆形,光亮,植株开张,生长中等。花期中至晚。

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.290. Zhuapolian 抓破脸(Scratched Face)(C.japonica)红山茶。1981,中国江苏、浙江。完全形、松散、白色、极少量的红条、大轮。别名白加线(Baijiaxian)、挂线(Guaxian)、杨妃吐舌(Yangfei Tushe)。抓破脸ー陈念舟,1987,杜鹃谷花园目录,p.5. No.79.


Flower Size7-8.5 cm

Blooming Season2-4 Month China

