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Home/ Species/ Camellia multiperulata

多萼红山茶 Camellia multiperulata Hung T.Chang

Last Updated:2025/2/22 22:30:56 By:wangzhonglang


Conservation Status


This name is a synonym of Camellia semiserrata


» Description

Camellia multiperulata, Subgenus Camellia, Sect. Camellia, Subsect. Reticulata Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr. ser. 1: 56. 1981. Ser. Reticulatae Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr. ser. 1: 61. 1981. Chang Hung-ta and Bruce Bartholomew (1984). Camellias, p.90: Camellia multiperulata Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr. ser. 1; 66. 1981. [Description] Small tree, branchlets glabrous. Leaves thickly coriaceous, elliptic 10-12cmlong, 4.5-5. 7 cm wide, apices acute, bases rounded or obtuse; dark green above in the dry state, shiny; glabrous below; lateral veins 7-8 pairs, protruding on both surfaces in the drystate; upper half of margins sharply serrate, teeth separation 3-5 mm, teeth ca. 1 mmlong; petioles 1 cm long, glabrous. Flowers solitary, terminal, often accompanying theterminal bud, red, sessile; bracts and sepals 19-21, connate into 3. 5 cm long perules, exterior glabrous or basally pubescent, inner margins sericeous; outer 4 perules semi-orbicular, 3-6 mm long, 5-10 mm wide; inner 15-17 perules orbicular to flabellate-obovate, 1. 3-3 cm long, 1.5-3. 7 cm wide, thickly coriaceous; petals8-9, 4-4. 5 cm long, 3-4cm wide, obovoid, basally connate for ca. 1.2 cm; outer 2-3 petals shorter, exterior pubescent; stamens ca. 4 cm long, in many series, outer filament whorl basally connate, filament tube 2. 5 cm long, glabrous; ovaries pilose; styles 4 cm long, glabrous, apex shallowly 3-cleft, clefts 2 mm long. Capsules oblate, with 5 obtuse ridges. This species differs from C. semiserrata by having leaves broadly elliptic, basallyrounded; bracts and sepals 19-21, thick and hard, nearly 3 cm long; petals slightly more, 8-9. According to the collection data the fruit is oblate, with 5 obtuse ridges, weight to 0.9 kg, the largest tree produces 60 kg of seeds per year, after drying each kg of seedproduces 0. 6-0. 7 kg of oil.


» Description

多萼红山茶Camellia multiperulata Chang, spa nov. 张宏达,1981. 《山茶属植物的系统研究》第66页。【标本】广东:封开,南丰公社,利水大队,乔木,高5米,陈少卿18469 (模式 Typusj in Bot. Inst. Austi o-Sin.) .广西:苍梧,1963885黄作杰s. n.广西林科所标本号3109【形态特征】小乔木,嫩枝无毛。叶厚革质,椭圆形,长10-14厘米,宽5-9厘米,先端急尖,基部圆形或钝,上面干后深绿色,发亮,下面无毛,侧脉7-8对,干后在上下两面均突起,边缘上半部有锐利疏锯齿,齿刻相隔3-5毫米,齿尖长约1毫米,叶柄长1-1.5厘米,无毛。花单独顶生,常有顶芽伴生,红色,无柄,苞片及萼片19-21片,组成长达3.5厘米的苞被,外侧无毛,或在基部有毛,内侧有绢毛,最外侧4片半圆形,长3-6毫米,宽5-10毫米,内侧15-17片圆形至扇状倒卵形,长1.3-3厘米,宽1.5-3.7厘米,厚革质。花瓣8-9片,长4-4.5厘米,宽3-4厘米,倒卵圆形,基部连生约1.2厘米,最外2-3片较短,外侧有毛。雄蕊长约4厘米,多轮,外轮花丝基部连生,花丝管长2.5厘米,无毛。子房有长毛,花柱长4厘米,无毛,先端3浅裂,裂片长2毫米。蒴果扁球形,有5条纯稜。这个种和南山茶C.sermiserrata 不同之处在于叶阔橢圆形,基部圆,花苞及萼片19-21片,厚而硬,长达3厘米,花瓣亦稍多,8-9片。据采集记载,果实扁球形,有5条钝稜,最大的果重1.75市斤,最大的树每年收种仁120市斤,每斤干燥种仁可榨油6-7两,供食用。
