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毛籽红山茶 Camellia trichosperma Hung T.Chang

Last Updated:2025/2/23 13:20:37 By:wangzhonglang


Conservation Status


This name is a synonym of Camellia semiserrata 


» Description

Camellia trichosperma, Subgenus Camellia, Sect. Camellia, Subsect. Reticulata Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr. ser. 1: 56. 1981. Ser. Reticulatae Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr. ser. 1: 61. 1981. Chang Hung-ta and Bruce Bartholomew (1984). Camellias, p.88: Camellia trichosperma Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr. ser. 1:64. 1981. [Description] Tree 15 m tall; bark smooth, greyish-white; branchlets glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic, 11-13 cm long, bases broadly cuneate; yellowish-green above in the dry state, not shiny; lighter below; lateral veins5-6 pairs, conspicuous on both surfaces; reticulateveins obscure, upper half of margins serrulate, petioles 1-1.3 cm long. Flowers red, terminal, sessile; bracts and sepals 9-10, broadly ovoid, 1. 5 cm long, outer surfacesyellowish-brown sericeous. Capsules large, globose, 12-15 cm in diameter, 4-5-valvatedehiscent, valves 3-4 cm thick, pubescent, 3-5 seeds per locule, seeds pubescent; columella large, 4-5 angled.

Gao Jiyin, Clifford R. Parks, Du Yueqiang, 2005, Collected Species of the Genus Camellia an Illustrated Outline,p.82. Flowers are light-red to red, 7.0-9.5 cm in diameter, borne singly at the tips of shoots. Perules 9-10, outside yellowish-pubescent. Petals 6-8, 4.0-5.0 cm long, 3.0-4.5 cm wide, broadly obovate, tip emarginate, slightly fused at the base with the staminal column. Androecium 2.0-3.0 cm long, outer layer of stamens fused from the base into a short cup. Gynoecium 1.6-2.1 cm in length, 3-5 styles divided at the tip, ovary glabrous. Blooming season: mid-spring. Capsules globose, 9.0-15.0 cm in diameter, pericarp wall 2.0-4.0 cm in thickness. Seeds villous. Leaves elliptic, tip sharply acute, base cuneate, 11.0-13.0 cm long, 4.0-6.0 cm wide, margin sharply serrulate only on upper portion of blade, upper surface smooth, lateral veins sunken. Petiole 10-15 mm long. Tree up to 15 m tall, young shoots glabrous, older branches smooth, brown in color. Distribution: Mountain-ous region of Xunwu County in southern Jiangxi and con-tiguous areas in southeastern Guangdong; Elevation: 500-800 m; Specific locality: Xunwu County, Jiangxi Province; Also, some large trees can be seen at the Jiangxi Forestry Academy, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China.

» Distribution

Mountainous region of Xunwu County in southern Jiangxi and contiguous areas in southeastern Guangdong; Elevation: 500-800 m; Specific locality: Xunwu County, Jiangxi Province; Also, some large trees can be seen at the Jiangxi Forestry Academy, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China.

» Description

毛籽红山茶Camellia trichosperma Chang, sp. nov. 张宏达,1981. 《山茶属植物的系统研究》第64页。【标本】江西:寻邬,中和公社,瓦挢生产队,海拔350米,栽培,散生,江西共大林 学系744011(模式Typus in Univ. CommunismKiangsi )【形态特征】乔木,高15米,树皮平坦,灰白色,嫩枝无毛。叶革质,椭圆形,长11-13厘米,基部阔楔形,上面干后黄绿色,不发亮,下面较浅色,侧脉5-6对,在两面明显,网脉不明显,边缘上半部有细锯齿,叶柄长1-1.3厘米。花红色,顶生,无柄,苞及萼6-10片。阔倒卵圆形,长1.5-2厘米,外面被黄褐色柔毛。蒴果大,球形,直径12-15厘米,4-5爿裂开,果厚3-4厘米,被毛,种子被毛,每室3-5个,中轴粗大,4-5角形。

高继银、帕克斯、杜跃强,2005. 《山茶属植物主要原种彩色图集》浙江科学技术出版社,第82页。花淡红色至红色,花径7.0~9.5厘米,单花顶生。鱗片9~10枚,外被黄色短柔毛。花瓣6~8枚,长4.0~5.0厘米,宽3.0~4.5厘米,阔倒卵形,先端有凹缺,基部与雄蕊柱略连生。雄蕊长2.0~3.0厘米,外轮花丝基部连生形成短管。雌蕊长1.6~2.1厘米,花柱先端3~5浅裂,子房无毛。花期春季。蒴果球形,直径9.0~15.0厘米,果庋厚2.0~4.0厘米。种子被长柔毛,褐色。叶椭圆形,先端急锐尖,基部楔形,长11.0~13.0厘米,宽4.0~6.0厘米,边缘上半部具尖齿,革质,叶面光滑,侧脉略凹陷。叶柄长10~15毫米。小乔木,高可达15米,嫩枝无毛,老枝光滑,灰色。分布:江西省南部的寻乌县及其与广东省接壤的山区,海拔500-800 米。可寻地点:江西省寻乌县。另外,在江西省南昌市江西林业科学院也可以看到本原种的大树。

» Distribution
