International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Anhui 3

Anhui 3

Last Updated:2022/11/22 9:43:58 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by Chen Liang



Year Published/Registered1955

Cultivar Type:For Tea

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia sinensis 'Anhui 3'

Chinese Name:安徽3号

Japanese Name



GSCT39  Ministry of Agriculture and Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 1990. Collection on the improved tea varieties in China. p.78-79.

华茶39号  农业部农业司,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所. 1990. 《中国茶树优良品种集》78-79页。


» English Description

Ministry of Agriculture and Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 1990. Collection on the improved tea varieties in China. p.78-79.

GSCT39  (Anhui 3)

     New clonal variety. Frutex type. Large-leaf size. Medium sprouting.

     It was selected individually from the Keeman population variety in 1955~1978 by K.eemen Tea Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and po» pularized to those tea areas such as the counties of Huizhou, Xuancheng, Anqing and Liuan of Anhui province since 1975. It was introduced to the provinces of Jiangxi and Kunan.

     Plant medium size, with high branching density. Semi-opened shape. Leaves horizontal and incline upwards. Length 9.6%10.5 cm, width 3.2%3.5 cm. Long-oblong in shape with acuminate tips. Surface of leaves flat and glossy. Soft in texture, with slightly waved margin as well as sharp and shallow serrations. Green in color. 8~9 pairs of vein. The sprouting period in spring season appears in the middle of March. The peak period of one bud and three leaves shoots appears in the middle of April. With more dense sprouting density and potent sprouting ability. The weight of 100 one bud and three leaves shoots averaged 53 g. The peak period of flowering stage appears in the third ten days of October. With less amounts of flowers and low bearing percentage. High cold-hardiness. Only a small amounts of tender leaves defoliated under the conditions of minimum temperature -12°C.

     High-yielding. The yield of made tea in a tea garden of 13 years old tea bush averaged 288 kg per mu, is 19.27% higher than that of Keeman populative variety.

     According to the analysis conducted by the Tea Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the contents of amino acids in the one bud and two leaves shoots averaged 3.2%, tea polyphenols 23.40% and total catechins 98.80 mg/g. With wide suitability. Suitable to the    manufacture of black tea and green tea. The black tea prepared with GSCT39 variety as the raw material is characterized by its tightly and finely rolled with tips, full and fragrant aroma as well as the bright reddish liquor and infused leaf, with the traditional aroma, taste and color characterized to the tKee-Hong,. The green tea prepared with this variety has a lasting aroma, full and fresh taste as well as the flavo-green and bright infused leaf.

     Suitable to popularize in the tea region in the south-of-Yangzte River and north-of-Yangzte River for the manufacture of the green tea and Gongfu black tea.

     Easy to infect with the anthracnose disease and brown blight disease in the seedling stage, it is recommended to control in time. Besides, the rooting ability  and the survival rate are affected due to the rapid growth of shoots during the cutting propagation, so it is suitable to cutting in the autumn season and pay the attention to the control of illumination, humidity and diseases.

» Chinese Description

农业部农业司,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所. 1990. 《中国茶树优良品种集》78-79页。华茶39号,安徽3号

杨亚军,梁月荣. 2014. 《中国无性系茶树品种志》29页: 安徽3号


【形态特征】 植株适中,树姿半开张,分枝密。叶片呈水平状着生,长椭圆形,叶色绿,有光泽,叶面微隆起,叶尖渐尖,叶缘微波,叶齿浅细,叶质柔软。花冠直径3.1cm,花瓣6瓣,子房茸毛中等,花柱3裂,萼片有毛。

【特性】 一芽三叶盛期在4月中旬。芽叶生育力強,淡黄绿色,茸毛多,一芽三叶百芽重53.0g。春茶一芽ニ叶干样约含茶多酚15.6%、氨基酸4.0%、咖啡碱3.1%、水浸出物50.9%。产量高,每667㎡可产鲜叶290kg左右。适制红茶、绿茶。红茶有“祁红”传统特征;緑茶香气清醇,滋味醇正较鲜。制天柱剑毫,品质优。抗寒性强。扦插繁殖力強




Flower Size3.1-3.1 cm

Blooming Season China
