International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Bonomiana


Last Updated:2022/8/7 17:04:26 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by Gianmario Motta



Year Published/Registered1858

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Bonomiana'

Chinese Name:布若安娜

Japanese Name



Benomiana  Newman Catalogue, 1886-1887, p.116-119. Orthographic error for Bonomiana.

Bonomia  Sgarvatti Catalogue, 1896. Orthographic error for Bonomiana.

Bonomiana Alba  Newman & Son Catalogue, 1894-1895. Synonym for Bonomiana.

Bononnana  Gelding Nursery Catalogue, 1887-1888, p.53. Orthographic error for Bonomiana.

Bonsoniana  Giles & Son Nursery Catalogue, 1881. Orthographic error for Bonomiana.

2 show +


» English Description

van Houtte, 1858, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de L’Europe, vol.13, p.9, F.1858: This variety was obtained from seed by Sangalli of Milan, Italy. The flowers are medium sized, formal double, with over 80 petals, pure white background marked with bands and speckles of bright carmine. Also illustrated by Verschaffelt, 1859, Nouvelle Iconographie, Book XI, pl.3. Sports include: Doutor Balthazar de Mello, Dona Jane Andresson, Bonomiana Maculata, Bonomiana Nova, La Bonomiana Rubra, Bonomiana Rosea, Bonomiana Extra. Synonym: ‘Fain’s Best’, ‘Bonomiana Alba’. Ortho­graphic errors: ‘Bonomia’, ‘Bononnana’, ‘Bonsoniana’. Erroneously equated with Contessa Paolina Maggi (pure white) and Carolina Franzini (solid red). NOTE: the 'Bonomiana'  sold in Italy and other countries has a pink background as photographed and described  in University of Torino, "Camelie dell'ottocento nel Verbano" (= Nineteenth-hundred century camellias on Lake Maggiore) (2000)  p.68-69 and in P. Hillebrand &  G. Bertolazzi "Antique  camellias of Lake Maggiore" (2003) p. 107. Hence, the current 'Bonomiana' is a probable sport of the original one, described  by Verschaffelt. 

» Chinese Description

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.35. Bonomiana   布若安娜 C. japonica)   红山茶。1858,意大利米兰,Sangalli培育选出。完全形、浅粉底、脉纹、少量红条纹、白色镶边、中轮。花名:柏诺米亚娜。别名:Bonomiana AlbaFain's Best。突变种:Doutor Balthazar de MelloDona Jane AndressonBonomiana MaculataBonomiana NovaLa Bonomiana RubraBonomiana Rosea Bonomiana (布若安娜)一新竹市茶花产销班目录,2002-2006, p.50, B59. 注:目前在意大利和其他国家/地区出售的'Bonomiana'具有粉红色的底色,如2000年都灵大学出版的“ Camelie dell'ottocento nel Verbano”(马焦雷湖十九世纪山茶花)第68-69页所载的图片,2003年P. Hillebrand与G. Bertolazzi编辑出版的《马焦雷湖的古山茶花》第107页所载的图片。因此,当前销售的Bonomiana很可能是Verschaffelt所描述的芽变类型。


Flower Size8-10 cm

Blooming Season Italy

