Country:United States
Year Published/Registered:1961
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Centennial'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:
» English Description
American Camellia Yearbook, 1961, p.220, Reg. No.583: A 9 year old seedling of Lady Vansittart, (‘Edo-nishiki’) that first flowered 1955; originated by W.F. Wilson Jr., Hammond, Louisiana, USA. Plant growth is upright columnar, very dense and rapid in rate with dark green leaves, averaging 9 cm long by 4 cm wide, undulate, heavily serrate. The semidouble flower, similar to Finlandia, is 10-11.5 cm across and 4 cm deep with 15-17 petals and 12 petaloids. The petals are almost round with some creping and ruffling. The bloom contains 60 - 70 filaments, 4-5 cm long, with yellow anthers. The flowers are watermelon pink, (Maerz & Paul CC 29F-4).