International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Dahong Furong

Dahong Furong

Last Updated:2022/8/2 10:28:45 By:wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1985

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Dahong Furong'

Chinese Name:大红芙蓉

Japanese Name



» English Description

Shanghai Botanic Gardens List, 1985. No descrip­tion. Savige, 1986, International Camellia Journal, No.18, p.107, 108: Light red, irregular, peony form, some deeper veining. Centre mass of petaloids with small, twisted petals and stamens intermixed. Outer petals large, variable and twisted. Originated in China.

Dahongfurong. (Camellia japonica)  Synonym: None  Originate: Chongqing  Characteristics: Plant habit medium vigorous, with open crown, medium branching. Leaves yellowish green, glossy, flat, with apex apiculate, base obtuse, measured 7 cm to 8.5 cm across by 3.5 cm to 4.5 cm wide, serrate tiny, fine but shallow. Flowers bright red to dark red diameter 8 cm to 9 cm. Petals, with margin crinkled, wavy and slightly incurved, undulate, with apex notched. Stamens isolated in group by petals. Petaloids by some stamens, mixed with normal stamens, imbricated loose, irregular size, rounded, 12 segments, peony form, medium floral abundance. Flowers February to April, with fully blooming in March.  Key points of identification: Flowers bright red to dark red, with petal margins wavy and slightly incurved, petaloids by some stamens.

» Chinese Description

周利主编、2011《川茶品种图鉴》 p.40。植株开张,长势中等,成枝力中等;叶黄绿色,有光泽,叶片平展,先端渐尖,基部楔形,长7cm~8.5cm,宽3.5cm~4.5cm,叶齿细密而浅;花大红色偏深,鲜亮,花径8cm~9cm,花辨边缘皱褶略内扣,呈曲波状,有不规则缺凹,花瓣将雄蕊分隔成簇,雄蕊部分瓣化,与发育成熟的雄蕊混生,排列松散,大小不整齐,花瓣圆形,12枚,牡丹型,花量中等,花期2月〜4月,盛花期3月。识别特征:花亮红色偏深,花瓣边缘曲波状略内扣,部分雄蕊瓣化。原始产地:四川


Flower Size8-9 cm

Blooming Season2-4 Month China

