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Home/ Cultivars/ Damanao


Last Updated:2022/9/12 12:34:46 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1621

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia reticulata 'Damanao'

Chinese Name:大玛瑙

Japanese Name

Meaning:Large Cornelian


Baimanao  Feng, 1930, Tiannan Chahua Xiaozhi.Different reading: ‘Pe Ma Nao’. Synonym for Damanao.

Chueh Chueh Hua  Waterhouse, 1970, ACRS., Camellia News, No.40, p.9,Different reading ‘Quequehua’. (Speckled Flower). Ikeda, 1976, American Camellia Yearbook, says that this is a miss­reading of the characters of Chuang’s Yunnan Shancha Hua, 1959 for ‘Kuai Kuai Hua’ which is a different reading for Guaiguaihua, (Broken Pieces Flower). It is probably a synonym for Damanao.

Cornelian  SCCS., 1951, The Camellia. Its Culture and Nomenclature. This is the recognised western synonym for the Chinese Damanao.

Cornelian Lion's Head  Ikeda, 1976, American Camellia Yearbook, p.139. Synonym for ‘Manao Shiz­itou’as ‘Marnaoshihtzetou’, (Damanao).

Corneliar  Coolidge Gardens Camellia Catalogue, 1952. Orthographic error for ‘Cornelian’, synonym for Damanao.

31 show +


» English Description

Pa Chung Hua P’u, 1621; Fang, 1930, Tiannan Chahua Xiaozhu as ‘Hongbai Manao Shizitou’, (White-red Cornelian Lion-head). The shape is like ‘Jiuxin Shipaban’. When red predominates it is called ‘Hongmanao’, (Red Cornelian) or ‘Xueshi’, when white predominated it is called ‘Baimanao’, (White Cornelian). This camellia is a virus variegated form of Shizitou, (‘Lion Head’). As the white variegation is not stable, names for selected clones cannot be acepted as valid and can only be regarded as synonyms. Yü in the RHS. Rhododendron and Camellia Conference Report, 1950 gave the names ‘Tarmarnao’ or ‘Large Cornelian’. It was originally released in the USA, erroneously as ‘Lion’s Head’. See colour plate facing p.7, 1950 American Camellia Yearbook and p.153, Macoboy, 1981, The Colour Dictionary of Camellias. The most complete description and illustration is given in Feng et al., 1986, Yunnan Camellias of China, p.96: Leaves oblong-ovate to oblong-obovate, apices acumi­nate, bases cuneate, slightly reclinate, 6-9 cm long, 3.3-5 cm wide. Flowers bright red with white, diameter 12-13 cm. Petals about 30 in 4-5 whorls, outer whorls flat, inner whorls folded, curved, erect, forming a spherical flower centre. Stamens numerous, divided into several groups by folded petals. Pistils often rudimentary. Fertile. The branches and leaves are very similar to those of Shizitou. The only difference is that the flower colour of Damanao is red with white. Flowers mid-season. Synonyms: ‘Hongbai Manao Shizitou’, ‘Xueshi’, ‘Baimanao’, ‘Hongmanao’, ‘Manao’, ‘Large Cornelian’, ‘Cornelian’. Different readings: ‘Ta-ma-nao’, ‘Tar­marnao’, ‘Pai-ma-nao’, ‘Hung-ma-nao’. Originated in Yunnan, China.

» Chinese Description

大玛瑙DamanaoC. reticulata),陈丽惠2013年《山茶花谱台湾情》第159页,【花】:艳红有白斑,牡丹型、大巨~大輪、 中~晩生。近期自大陸引進栽培。

1621年《群芳谱》中有记载。1930年《滇南茶花小志》记:“红白玛瑙狮子头,状若九心十八瓣,红多者曰红玛瑙,白多者曰白玛瑙”。俞德浚、冯耀宗, 1958. 《云南山茶花图志》, p.24。     冯国楣、夏丽芳、朱象鸿,1981.《云南山茶花》,图片p.77,文字描述p.130。大玛瑙一陈念舟,1987,杜鹃谷花园目录,p.4. No.61. 朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.67. 管开云、李纪元、王仲朗主编,2014. 《中国茶花图鉴》, p.242。大玛瑙(Damanao) Large Cornelian or Cornelian.【叶】长椭圆状卵圆形至长椭圆状倒卵形,长6-9厘 米,宽3.3-5厘米,先端渐尖,基部楔形,叶面微内 曲。【花】艳红色间杂白色大斑块,直径12-13厘米。花瓣 约30片,4-5轮着生,外轮花瓣平坦,内轮曲折卷旋 直立,形成球状花心。雄蕊多数,分数组,混生于曲折 花瓣中。雌蕊多数退化。花期1月下旬至3月下旬。本品种系狮子头芽条变异而来,枝、叶与狮子头很 难区别,唯花色为红白相间,红色多的称红玛瑙、玛瑙 狮子头或雪狮;白色多的称白玛瑙,甚为名贵。昆明、 大理一带栽培普遍。识别点:本品种为‘狮子头’芽变而来,其植株枝、叶与‘狮子头’难以区分,唯花色为红白相间可区别。

» Japanese Description

中国科学院昆明植物研究所 1981 「雲南のツバキ」p. 142.【葉】長楕円状卵形か長楕円状倒卵形。長さ6〜9cm,幅3.3〜5cm。先端は銳先形で,基部はくさび形。葉身は主脈にそつてわずかに内側に折れる。据歯は密につき,浅い。【花】花形はボタン形。花色は紅色(R.H.S.C.C.53C — D)に大きい白斑がある。花径は12〜13cm。花弁は約30枚あり,4〜5重の輪状に配列する。外方の弁は弁の先がわずかに波曲する。内方の弁は外側に折れ,両端は外側に巻き込み,弁の下部士〜+が2〜3枚ごとに癒合し,直立する。円球形の花冠をつくる。雄ずいは多い。数個の束に分かれて,内方の弁の間にはさまる。多くの雌ずいは退化していて,扁平状などさまざまな形になる。ほとんど結実しない。花期は1月下旬〜3月下旬。果実期は9〜10月。


Flower Size12-13 cm

Blooming Season1-3 Month China

