Feng, 1930, Tiannan Chahua Xiaozhi.Different reading: ‘Pe Ma Nao’. Synonym for Damanao.
Chueh Chueh Hua
Waterhouse, 1970, ACRS., Camellia News, No.40, p.9,Different reading ‘Quequehua’. (Speckled Flower). Ikeda, 1976, American Camellia Yearbook, says that this is a missreading of the characters of Chuang’s Yunnan Shancha Hua, 1959 for ‘Kuai Kuai Hua’ which is a different reading for Guaiguaihua, (Broken Pieces Flower). It is probably a synonym for Damanao.
SCCS., 1951, The Camellia. Its Culture and Nomenclature. This is the recognised western synonym for the Chinese Damanao.
Cornelian Lion's Head
Ikeda, 1976, American Camellia Yearbook, p.139. Synonym for ‘Manao Shizitou’as ‘Marnaoshihtzetou’, (Damanao).
Coolidge Gardens Camellia Catalogue, 1952. Orthographic error for ‘Cornelian’, synonym for Damanao.
Hongbai Manao Shizitou
Feng, 1930, Diannan Chahua Xiaozhi. Synonym for Damanao.
31 show +
Fang, 1930, Diannan Chahua Xiaozhi. Synonym for Damanao. However a form with very little white, close to Shizetou.
Hsueh Shih
Yü & Feng, 1958, Yunnan Shanchahua Tu Chih. A name given to a form of Damanao. Ikeda, 1974, gives it as a synonym for Shizitou. However the name translated as ‘Snow Lion’ which would indicate a heavily variegated form of Shizitou, that is Damanao.
Durrant, 1967, New Zealand Camellia Bulletin, vol.V, No.4, p.27.Different reading for ‘Xue’ = snow. A synonym for Damanao.
Yü, 1950, RHS., Camellia & Magnolia Conference Report Index, p.140. Different reading for ‘Hongmanao’, synonym for Damanao.
Watanabe & Andoh, 1980, Hana to Kino Bunka, Tsubaki, p.153.Different reading for ‘Hongbai Manao Shizitou’ or ‘Red and White Cornelian Lionhead’, now known as Damanao.
Treseder & Hyman, 1975, Growing Camellias, p.132 as a seedling of 'Cornelian' (Damanao). Abbreviation for Janet Clark.
Large Agate
Macoboy, 1981, The Colour Dictionary of Camellias, p.153. Synonym for Damanao.
Large Carnelian
Fendig, 1953, American Camellia Catalogue. Orthographic variant for ‘Large Cornelian’, synonym for Damanao.
Large Cornelian
Peer, 1949, SCCS., Bulletin, 11(2):11. Synonym for Damanao.
Ma-nao Shih-tzu-t`ou
Yü & Feng, 1958, Yunnan Shancha Hua Tuchih.Different reading for ‘Manao Shizitou’, synonym for Damanao.
Manao Shizitou
Yü & Feng, 1958, Yunnan Shancha Hua Tichih.Different reading: ‘Ma-nao Shihtzu-t’ou’, ‘Mamaoshihzetou’. Synonym: ‘Cornelian Rose Flower’. Synonym for Damanao.
Ikeda. 1976, American Camellia Yearbook. p.139.Different reading for ‘Manao’, synonym for Damanao.
Ikeda, 1976, American Camellia Yearbook, p.139, (‘Cornelian Lion Head’).Different reading ‘Ma-nao Shih-ze-t’ou’,Different reading for ‘Manao Shizitou’, synonym for Damanao.
Yashiro, 1841; Ichijima, 1906, Kokon Yōrankō. Reprinted. Cited from Kaibara, Ekken, 1708, Yamato Honzō Leaves, thick, slender and long, light green. Flowers large size, colour varies to white, red and pink. Japanese name for C.reticulata. Synonyms include: ‘Karatsubaki’, ‘To-tsubaki’, ‘Nanshan Cha’, ‘Ta Cha Hua’, ‘Tien Shan Cha’. Also synonym for Nankin. The description could be for Damanao.
Pei Ma Nao
Fang, 1930, Diannan Chahua Xiaozhi.Different reading for ‘Baimanao’, synonym for Damanao.
SCCS., 1951, The Camellia. Its Culture and Nomenclature.Different reading for Damanao.
Waterhouse, 1970, ACRS., Camellia News, No.40, p.9, under the reading ‘Ch’ueh Ch’ueh Hua’. Ikeda (1976) says that this is an error for ‘Guai Guai Hua’. The first meaning ‘speckled flower’ the second ‘broken pieces flower’ relating to variegation. It is believed to be a synonym for Damanao.
Red Cornelian
Yü, 1950, RHS., Camellia & Magnolia Conference Index, p.130. Synonym for ‘Hongmanao’ (Damanao).
Snow Lion
Durrant, 1967, New Zealand Camellia Bulletin. Synonym for ‘Xueshi’ (Damanao).
Speckled Flower
Waterhouse, 1970, ACRS., Camellia News, No.40, p.9. Synonym for ‘Quequehua’ as ‘Chueh Chueh Hua’.
Ta Ma Nao
Waterhouse, 1970, ACRS., Camellia News, No.40, p.7.Different reading for Damanao.
Yü, 1964, Camellian, ‘Garden Camellias of Yunnan’.Different reading for Damanao.
Yü & Bartholomew, 1980, American Camellia Yearbook, p.27.Different reading for Damanao.
Yü, 1950, RHS., Camellia and Magnolia Conference Report Index, p.130.Different reading for Damanao.
Durrant, 1963, New Zealand Camellia Bulletin. Orthographic error for ‘Tamarnao’,Different reading for Damanao.
White Cornelian
Yü, 1950, RHS., Camellia & Magnolia Conference Report, index, p.130. Synonym for ‘Baimanao’, (Damanao).
Yü (with Feng), 1958, Yunnan Shancha Hua Tuchih. (Snow Lion).Different reading: ‘Hsueh-shih’. A name reserved for the form of Damanao where the flower has more white than red. However as the white markings are caused by the variegating virus and are unstable, this name must be regarded as a synonym for Damanao.
陈念舟,1987,杜鹃谷花园目录,p.4. No.61.