International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Etherington White

Etherington White

Last Updated:2019/4/10 9:11:17 By:wangzhonglang


CountryUnited States

Year Published/Registered1938

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Etherington White'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Ethlington White  Kiyono Nursery Catalogue, 1939-1940, p.10. Orthographic error for Etherington White.

Ethrington White  SCCS., 1947, The Camellia. Its Culture and Nomenclature. Orthographic error for Etherington White.

Ethrington  Gerbing Azalea Garden Nursery Catalogue, 1943. Orthographic error for Etherington White.

Everingham  Hazlewood & Jessep, 1972, Checklist - Camellia Cultivars from Nursery Catalogues, p.74. Orthographic error for Etherington White.

Waterloo  Kiyono Nursery Catalogue, 1940-1941, p.22. Synonym for Etherington White. Note: Kiyono listed Etherington White in his 1938-1939 catalogue as ‘Ethlington White’ and then revised the name to ‘Waterloo’ in his 1940-1941 Catalogue.


» English Description

Kiyono Nursery Catalogue, 1938-1939, p.9, erroneously as ‘Ethling­ton White’. No description. Gerbing Azalea Gardens Catalogue, 1940-1941: Large, semi-double white, petals tissue-paper like texture. Mid-season bloomer, tall, vigorous grower, dark green foliage. Very fine white. Fendig, 1952, American Camellia Catalogue: Medium, pure white, anemone form, 8-10 cm across. Sometimes the inner petals are large, sometimes small and are crinkled and of tissue-thin texture. Stamens are interspersed among petals. Filaments are cream, anthers golden yellow. Buds are conical and light green. Leaves medium, dull green, oval, 6.5 cm x 3.8 cm. Plant habit tall and vigorous, not symetrical. The Camellia was named for a family named “Etherington” and the original erroneous spelling of “Ethlington” has been corrected. Orthographic errors: ‘Ethlington White’, ‘Everingham’, ‘Ethrington’, ‘Ethrington White’. Originated at the Kiyono Nursery, Crichton, Alabama, USA. Kiyono altered the name to ‘Waterloo’ in their 1940 Catalogue.


Flower Size

Blooming Season United States

