International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Funny Face Betty

Funny Face Betty

Last Updated:2022/8/12 9:36:37 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang


CountryUnited States

Year Published/Registered1961

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Funny Face Betty'

Chinese Name:怪面贝蒂

Japanese Name



Betty Sheffield Charming  Mark S. Cannon Scion Catalogue, 1962, p.1. Synonym for Funnyface Betty.

Betty Sheffield Funny Face  Cannon, 1965, ACS, The Camellia Journal, vol.20, No.1, p.16. Synonym for Funnyface Betty.

Charming Betty  Mark S. Cannon Scion Catalogue, 1962, p.2. SCCS., 1966, Camellia Nomenclature, p.33. Abbreviation for ‘Charming Betty Sheffield’ now considered a synonym for Funny Face Betty.

Charming Betty Sheffield  American Camellia Yearbook, 1962-1963, p.216, Reg. No.578. In the same Yearbook, p.218, Reg. No.608 is the cultivar Funny Face Betty, both given as sports of Betty Sheffield. As they proved too similar to be regarded as separate cultivars, Funny Face Betty was acepted as the valid name as it had been listed in the Tammia Nursery Catalogue in 1961, one year earlier.

Guaimian Beidi  Chinese synonym for USA (C.japonica) Funny Face Betty.

6 show +


» English Description

Tammia Nursery Catalogue, 1961. A sport of Betty Sheffield. American Camellia Yearbook, 1962, p.218, Reg. No.608: Sport of Betty Sheffield, first observed 1955 at Tammia Nursery, Slidell, Louisiana, USA. Plant growth and habit the same as the parent. The semi-double to peony form bloom, 11-12 cm across, is blush pink, changing to neyron rose (HCC.623/1) with white stamens. It does not have the Hikarugenji markings like ‘Blush Betty’. Blooms mid-season. Synonyms: ‘Charming Betty’, ‘Charming Betty Sheffield’. Sport: Funny Face Betty Variegated. See colour photo, No.66, p.41, Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.II, 1978. Chinese synonym: ‘Guaimian Beidi’.

» Chinese Description

笑面貝蒂Funny Face BettyC. japonica),陈丽惠2013年《山茶花谱台湾情》第208页,红、半重瓣牡丹型、大輪、中花,1961年美國發表。

朱國棟、蔡燦玉. 2011《台灣茶花族譜》p.104. 花脸贝蒂(C. hybrid)红山茶。 1961,美国路易斯安纳州 SlidellTammia 种苗园。Betty Sheffield (贝蒂•雪菲尔)的枝变种。1955年发现。半重瓣-牡丹、浅粉底、 浓粉条纹、中~大轮(11~12cm)、花期 1~2 月。 同种异名:Charming BettyCharming Betty Sheffield

Funny Face Betty—蔡福贵,1984,茶花,p.159, No.171.

Funny Face Betty (丑角)—新竹市茶花产锁班目录,2002-2006, p.56, F39.

Funny Face Betty (妙花孔雀)一茶花林目录,1992-2006, p. 10/28, No.617.

Funny Face Betty (鬼脸)_陈念舟,1986,杜鹃谷花园目录,p.6. No.86.


Flower Size11-12 cm

Blooming Season1-2 Month United States
