Year Published/Registered:1989
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Huafoding'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:花佛鼎
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Chen, Shao Yun, 1985, Camellias from Zhejiang, p.79, Wang & Yu, 1989, Camellia, p.23, No.18: Small tree or shrub, strong growing. Flower buds spherical, flowers anemone form, outer petals in 1-2 rows, deep red variegated with small white spots. Petaloids in centre forming a hemisphere, white and red with some intermixed stamens. Flower size 8-10 cm across. Blooms mid-season to late. Flowers long lasting to 20 days. Originated in Jinhua City, China.
» Chinese Description
花佛鼎 Camellia japonica ‘Huafoding’。汪亦萍、俞仲辂,中国建筑工业出版社,1989《山茶花》第23页。托桂型,灌木或小乔木,树势强,叶宽椭圆形至宽卵形,长6-8厘米,宽3.3-5厘米,叶尖微下垂,两侧稍上折,叶面平滑,侧细脉不明显而微凹,质较薄,稍缺光泽。蕾短圆形,顶端聚尖。大花瓣1-2轮,深红色洒白块,中心小花瓣卷曲呈半球状,色红白相间极为鲜艳,有少数雄蕊混生小瓣中。花径8-10厘米。花期:2月上旬-3月下旬。单花开花时间特长,可达20余天不谢。产金华,为该地名种。
Flower Form:Anemone / Single
Flower Colour:Bicolor Flower / Blotched white
Flower Size: 8-10 cm
Blooming Season: 2-3 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Huafeizhuafurong、Huafengwei、Huafuding、Huafuling、Huafurong、Xiaoye Huafurong、Yingzhi Huafurong