Year Published/Registered:2023
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia ‘Huayj Xiaoxuan’
Species/Combination:C. azalea × C. japonica 'Daikagura'
Chinese Name:花衣小旋
Japanese Name:
Meaning:Miss Xiaoxuan Dressed Colorful Clothes
Huayi Xiaoxuan Huayi Xiaoxuan (C. azalea × C.japonica 'Daikagura'). LiuXinkai et al. 2023, Illustrations of the New Camellia Hybrids that BloomYear-round, Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, p.62.
» English Description
Huayi Xiaoxuan (C. azalea × C.japonica 'Daikagura'). LiuXinkai et al. 2023, Illustrations of the New Camellia Hybrids that BloomYear-round, Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, p.62. HA-14-6.,a cross seedling (DHUA-No.2Mu) of C. azalea × C. japonica 'Daikagura'. It is a variegated mutation obtained from the hybrid 'Xiameng Xiaoxuan'(See p.194-196, our first book). Most of its traits are similar to 'XiamengXiaoxuan', but there are a lot of white markings on the petal surfaces, flowerssemi-double to rose-double form, large to very large size, 6.0cm deep and a fewyellow patches on the leaves occasionally, which are obviously different fromits female parent ‘Xiameng Xiaoxuan’. The cultivar name means “Miss Xiaoxuan Dressed Colorful Clothes”.
» Chinese Description
花衣小旋 Camellia ‘Huayj Xiaoxuan’ 。刘信凯、钟乃盛、柯欢、武艳芳主编,2023,《第二部四季茶花杂交新品种彩色图集》,浙江科学技术出版社,第62页。 HA-14-6.杂交组合:杜鹃红山茶x红山茶品种‘花牡丹’,杂交苗编号:DHUA-No.2Mu。本品种是‘夏梦小旋’(见第一部书第194-196页)的一个复色突变。其大部分性状与‘夏梦小旋’品种相似,但是花瓣上具大量云状白斑,花型半重瓣型至玫瑰重瓣型,花径大型至巨型,花朵厚可达6.0cm,叶片偶然出现少量黄斑,这些性状与其母本‘夏梦小旋’有明显不同。
Flower Form:Rose / Standard
Flower Colour:Bicolor Flower / Blotched white
Flower Size: 12-15 cm
Blooming Season: 6-12 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Xiameng Xiaoxuan