Year Published/Registered:2012
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Xiameng Xiaoxuan'
Species/Combination:C. azalea hybrid
Chinese Name:夏梦小旋
Japanese Name:
Xiari Xiaoxuan ACS, Journal, Dec. 2011, p.10. Later registered as Xiameng Xiaoxuan.
» English Description
Xiameng Xiaoxuan (C. ‘Xiameng Xiaoxuan’). China Regn. #2012-097. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2012, No.22, p.45. Gao Jiyin et al. 2016. Illustrations of the New Camellias Hybrids that Bloom Year-round. P.194. Originated by Palm Landscape Architecture Co. Ltd., China. A seedling of C.azalea x Daikagura, first flowered 2010. Flowers pink, rose form to formal double, medium to large, 9-12 cm diameter. Over 38 petals, regularly arranged, slightly involute at edges. Leaves dark green, broad-elliptic, edges shallowly serrate. Plant compact, dense and vigorous. Flowers summer to midwinter. Previous publication, ACS Journal, Dec 2011 as ‘Xiari Xiaoxuan’.
» Chinese Description
Flower Form:Formal / Imbricate
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 9-12 cm
Blooming Season: 6-12 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Huayi Xiaoxuan、Xiameng Chunling、Xiameng Hualin、Xiameng Kejuan、Xiameng Wenqing、Xiameng Yanping、Xiameng Yulan、Xiameng Wujuan、Xiameng Xiezuo、Xiameng Yurong